This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Abe.

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  • #85400

    I’m getting the same error with Kleo at WPEngine and they are certain it’s Kleo and so is my lead dev. It appears a process is timing out. Could you please include some of PHP’s Error Handling Functions in a quick update so this can be troubleshooted more effectively?


    Does it happen with the WP 2015 theme enabled?

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    No, it happens with Kleo enabled. And not all the time, so I can’t even replicate it for you. That’s why I was asking that you implement some better error reporting. Might save you some headaches all around.


    Okay. I’ll assign this to one of the developers.

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    Just for clarification, you say it doesnt happen all the time. Does this mean that you enabled the WP 2015 Theme long enough to absolutely know that it also doesnt happen sometimes with the WP 2015 Theme enabled?

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    No, that’s not what I meant. And I haven’t even tried it with twentyfifteen at all, because I can’t replicate it reliably with Kleo in the first place; and there’s no way to know that absolutely.

    It most often happens at /reporters and /wp-admin, but it’s inconsistent. WPEngine has isolated it to Kleo but without better error reporting it’s next to impossible to isolate.


    Hi, that would be hard to replicate locally. So no errors in the error log? Also you can use the child theme if you want to add some code for debugging.

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