This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #105813

    Hi, new ‘Posts’ and ‘Post Comments’ are not showing up in my buddypress activity stream. I suspect I haven’t set something up properly! I have a multisite set up but only the one site. I have tried both activating buddypress across the network and for the relevant site only, I have ticked the box for site tracking and assigned it to  a page with the same name (although the contents of this page is empty). I’ve searched google for a couple of hours with no luck, can you offer me any help on what’s going wrong? Thanks


    I see posts in your activity stream. Check your activity filter (upper right of the activity feed)

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    Hi, sorry I should have posted an update. Late last night I eventually got my blog posts to appear in the activity stream, but with the filter set to ‘everything’ none of the comments are showing. However if I switch the filter to comments they do. I am trying to get a set up where if a comment is posted under a blog/post it appears at the top of the ‘everything’ activity feed.

    Secondly, if someone comments on something in the feed at the moment it attaches itself to it way down the feed (so if someone replies/comments on another members 4 week old update, the comment appears 4 weeks down the stream and does not push to the top). This seems to flow against site interaction, so if you can solve any of my comment issues I would be really grateful 🙂


    That’s how buddypress works. I cant remember the name of it, but a long time ago I used a plugin that would sort the activity feed by comment date. Search the WP repository.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Oh! Does that also apply to the fact that blog post comments aren’t showing up on the ‘everything’ activity feed? Is that also the intended method?


    Yes. :/ You can do a quick test by enabling the WP 2016 Theme. Let me know if you see differently.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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