This topic has 32 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #134837

    hello, i am using the activity stream shortcode on a widget… but when i use the shortcode on the main activity page it displays the activity of all users which is good for me, but when i go to a user profile it displays the activity of that user only. how do i make the shortcode to display all activities of all users even when i visit their profile such that when i visit a user profile it doesn’t just show me the activity of the user but of all users. this is the shortcode i am using – [kleo_bp_activity_stream number="6" post_form="no" show_button="yes" button_label="View All Activity" button_link="/activity"].

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    Hello, will assign the ticket to a higher support level who can help and advise you in your query.
    Thanks! ?

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Please with this plugin to achieve what you need : and let me know


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    Hey Radu Thnaks for picking this up… i tried the plugin it worked but same as before. it displays the activity of the present page. if i am in home pge “activity home page” it displays activity stream of the home page if i am in a user profile page it displays the activity stream of the user only. is there a way to make it display the activity of all users by default? so that even if i am in a user profile page it displays activity stream of all users in the widget? if no then thanks Radu



    Even with this plugin you encounter the same ? it should not it generates sitewide activity loop


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    Hey Radu thanks!! this widget works. you are the boss! please permit me to ask another question… how can i make a widget sticky? i see when i scroll through this current page the “search knowledge base ” widget scrolls down too can i make a widget sticky like this too? example my members widget so as the site is scrolled down the widget is sticky

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    You should this kind of code in wp-admin -> theme options -> general settings -> javascript code

              offset: {
                top: 600,
                bottom: 0
        })( jQuery );

    and instead of text-16 you should add the div id of the element that you want to float.

    In the below screenshot you will see how you can find the elemnts id using google chrome inspector


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    Hey Radu, thanks for quick response, but i tried the code and it didnt work in my own case it was “text-11” i wanted the badges and rank widget to be sticky… below is the code i used or did i get it wrongly? thanks
    offset: {
    top: 600,
    bottom: 0

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    Sorry please this is the code i used but didnt work, ignore the first i didn’t copy it copletely

    offset: {
    top: 600,
    bottom: 0
    })( jQuery );



    try with this code

    jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
    	          offset: {
    	            top: 600,
    	            bottom: 0,
    	( jQuery );


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    Hey Radu, thanks for response. i just tried with the code it still didnt work.did i get it correctly below?

    jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
    offset: {
    top: 600,
    bottom: 0,
    ( jQuery );


    also i get the following error in the footer when i put the code. got the same error when i added the first code

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    OK try with script tags

    jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
    	          offset: {
    	            top: 600,
    	            bottom: 0,
    	( jQuery );
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    Hey Radu, i tried it, this seems to work but when you scroll down to the last page it dissapears in the footer section and when you scroll up again it doesnt appear to scroll back up.. in image “2” after it goes down to footer when i scroll up again it isn’t visible anymore

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    Hey Radu, i tried it, this seems to work but when you scroll down to the last page it dissapears in the footer section and when you scroll up again it doesn’t appear to scroll back up.. in image “2” after it goes down to footer when i scroll up again it isn’t visible anymore again until i refresh the page. so it scolls down only but it doesn’t scroll up.

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    Hello, i used the code and changed the value from “600” to “950” that allowed for the widget to appear right after the last widget down which was ok. now i think if theres a way to make the “text-11” to stay in the middle rather than so much down. i noticed the “search knowledge base” widget here is not down but rather the middle. if it can stay like that, it wont be scrolled so much to dissapear in the footer. it only dissapears when the user scrolls down and “text 11” goes down to the footer section

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    Here’s another image of what i mean

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    Try to decrease the TOP value from the JS code and also remove the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Also try to add this additional css to have a better control increase or decrease the top value you should play with those settings to achive what you need:

        #text-11.affix {
            top: 100px !important;
            background: #fafafa;
            padding: 20px;
            width: 320px;


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    Hey Radu you are a genius thanks. that worked. In my activity front page i have 3 columns, is there a way i can also make a div id tag in the other column to be sticky?
    Also in my user profile page i have a text “12” can i also make the widget in the user profile to be sticky? In the following code if i want to include another widget area like “text-30” to be sticky can i add that to the text area like this: jQuery(‘#text-11′, #text-30’)? example in the code;
    jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
    jQuery(‘#text-11′, #text-30’).affix({
    offset: {
    top: 600,
    bottom: 0,
    ( jQuery );


    Thnaks Radu


    Hi again,

    You can make any element sticky by matching that element ID.


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    ok thanks Radu but please do i need to copy the exact code and paste again with a different element ID or i would include the element ID to the code you provided. For example now i want to include “text-12” so it becomes sticky as well do i copy the entire javascript code again but change “text-11” to “text-12” and paste under the code you gave to me or do i just include “text-12”. if so please how do i add it to the existing code you provided,Thanks Radu also i am very sorry for taking much of your time. can you help with example? please



    Try to put both elements separate by comma like this

    jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
    	          offset: {
    	            top: 600,
    	            bottom: 0,
    	( jQuery );

    Or copy and paste again the snippet and specify another element id

    jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
    	          offset: {
    	            top: 600,
    	            bottom: 0,
    	( jQuery );
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    Thank you Radu, for your time, patience and impact. i really appreciate. you are the best. Thanks so much!!!


    You’re welcome


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    Hey Radu, so sorry i encountered a very little issue. the element i specified is sticky and floats on desktop (which is good) but it became sticky when viewing on mobile phones. is there a css i can use to disable it from bein sticky on mobile? so it can remain sticky on only computers? Thanks. the element i want to disable from being sticky on mobile is #rev-slider-widget-2



    There is no quick solution to provide, that it’s something custom… you can read more about this :


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    Thanks Radu


    No problem

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    Hey Radu please one last question on this thread.
    when a user registers on the site he receives a mail from “” please how can i change the wordpress name? i used the following code on my child theme functions.php file but it didnt work
    function custom_wp_mail_from( $email ) {
    $handle = ‘support’;
    $find = ‘http://&#8217;;
    $replace = ”;
    $link = get_bloginfo( ‘url’ );
    $domain = str_replace( $find, $replace, $link );
    return $handle . ‘@’ . $domain ;
    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from’, ‘custom_wp_mail_from’ );


    Sorr i meant users receive mail from “” please how can i change the wordpress name? i used the following code on my child theme functions.php file but it didnt work
    function custom_wp_mail_from( $email ) {
    $handle = ‘support’;
    $find = ‘http://’;
    $replace = ”;
    $link = get_bloginfo( ‘url’ );
    $domain = str_replace( $find, $replace, $link );
    return $handle . ‘@’ . $domain ;
    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from’, ‘custom_wp_mail_from’ );

    is there something i failed to add?


    fixed already. thanks



    Try with this plugin ;


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