This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by ianll.

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  • #50945

    I’m looking to see if there is a setting I can use to add color to the social media icons that are in the top menu area. I’d like to add the relevant social media networks colors (blue/red/etc) when hovered or clicked.

    Also, I’m looking to add follow button for twitter and subscribe button for youtube to a widget area in my footer. I added the vc shortcodes to a text widget and that works for the most part with the exception of twitter and youtube. With twitter it is only a tweet button not a follow. When I add the code from youtube or twitter generators on their respective dev sites I get errors. Any suggestions here?



    You can add colors for top menu social icons like this

    /* Kleo Social Icons Custom colors */
    ul.kleo-social-icons a[href*="twitter"] { background-color: #0084B4 ;}
    ul.kleo-social-icons a[href*="twitter"] *{ color:white; }
    ul.kleo-social-icons a[href*="facebook"] { background-color: #3B5998;}
    ul.kleo-social-icons a[href*="facebook"] *{ color:white; }
    ul.kleo-social-icons a[href*="youtube"] { background-color: #cc181e ;}
    ul.kleo-social-icons a[href*="youtube"] *{ color:white; }

    You can duplicate that css and replace with your needed domain.

    Please provide a screenshot with that problematic widgets or/and provide URL.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thanks, a bit different than I implemented because I have a black header area and this css does’nt exactly make it look good with the black background but it will work. Appreciate it!

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