This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years by Jonathan.

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  • #148135

    Hi there,

    I’m trying to add a socket menu, and I have this code already written under “Theme Options”, as well as a sidebar:

    <div class=”socket-text”>
    <div style=”text-align: left;”>©[current-year] Name of Site
    <div class=”socket-menu” style=”float: right;”><?php get_sidebar(‘socket-menu’); ?></div>

    However, php isn’t working in that box and I’m wondering if there’s an alternate, simple way to add a menu to this area.


    I figured it out.

    If anyone in the future is looking to do this, or anything else in the socket area through Theme Options, this textarea is responsive to Visual Composer shortcodes. I don’t even need the sidebar setup, I just added the shortcode to call the menu directly:

    ©[current-year] Eagle Eye Foundation

    [vc_wp_custommenu nav_menu="54"]

    Thank you again for all your lovely work on this theme!

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