This topic has 23 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years by Radu.

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  • #186346


    In my main page I have some standard kleo animation pop-up, or animation numbers, but sometimes they don’t work before I click somwhere with my mouse.

    I don’t know if this is a caching issue ? Should I add some file to the “not-caching” list ? Some *.js file is being prevented from loading properly?

    Please try to refresh page couple times.



    Thanks for contacting us about the animation issues you’re having, I can see the issue you’re referring to and appears very intermittent.

    Please try adding the below exceptions to both your caching plugin and your CDN, once added please purge your cache, CDN and local cache to test. Please also test after clearing all of your caches etc in InCognito / Private mode.

    Each time I see the error the file /wp-content/uploads/custom_styles/dynamic.css fails to load, this is likely to do with a CDN.



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    I have logged into your site and made some minor changes to the cache and also temporarily disabled / enabled the cache and I was not successful in stopping the intermittent issue.

    Can you please check via FTP that the directory and file /wp-content/uploads/custom_styles/dynamic.css have the correct permissions, 755 (directory) / 644 (file). If they do not please update the permissions.



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    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    They have correct permissions. What you mean by intermittent issue ? I don’t understand word intermitent.


    This dynamic.css file gets deleted and in couple seconds it is recreated again. And there is such cycle over and over. I don’t know if this should be like this in the first place.



    Intermittent means sporadic, irregular or on and off. It means that it is both working and not working and does not appear on the face of it to have a particular cause.

    Can you purge and then disable your CDN temporarily for me please to see if this might be the issue. I have seen this before in relation to CloudFlare.


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    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    How can I do that ? How to disable CDN ? I don’t know what it is? Is it in wordpress or in my server account ?



    It will either be at the host level if the host offers this as part of your package, or at the CDN provider if you manually set this up yourself. If you are unsure about whether you have a CDN or not you can ask your host for more information.


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    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    I asked. They don’t have CDN



    I will direct this ticket to a developer for review. They’ll be in touch as soon as they can, Monday to Friday, East European Time.

    Thank you for your patience,


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    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

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    Button Animations works as it should also the particles,

    VIDEO :

    Please let e know how i can see the animation issue


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    Sometimes it loads sometimes not, it is also still something wrong with dynamic.css file not loading sometimes, I can’t find the rule. Please try to open my page in incognito mode, or clear cache and refresh (sometimes couple times), so you cen see the issue.



    I see, odd issue

    Try to add this function to child theme

    function handle_rendering_css() {
        add_action('wp_head', 'kleo_custom_head_css');
    add_action('init', 'handle_rendering_css');

    The function needs to be pasted in wp-content/themes/kleo-child/functions.php

    NOTE : Child theme needs to be installed and activated.

    IMPORTANT : Go to wp-admin -> theme options -> save options again.

    This will render also the css to the head

    Let me know if the problem continue to happens using that snippet


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    I added this, still don’t work.
    Maybe I should add this animation js file to the exception list on my litespeed cache&optimization *.js list.

    I also spotted a bug, that when animation are disabled on all devices, the Gallery Grid is not loading, showing only one picture…

    Also is it possible to change the default animation post effect, for example change it from this pop-up effect into fade-in?


    Related to this one
    “I also spotted a bug, that when animation are disabled on all devices, the Gallery Grid is not loading, showing only one picture…”

    Can you please reproduce that in a page ? then provide to me to see how it behaves most sure the elements are on the page but they have opacity:0

    I don’t have exact instructions how you can change the pop-up effect into the fade-in but those are made with CSS and you can look in our app.css file around line 6520

    Also if you are talking about animation at element level do not touch the css file and change it directly from the visual composer


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    I disabled animation on all devices.

    Now have a look on this page:

    And go to tab called “Galeria” to see that the images are not loading. there should be a grid of images.

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    Please replace this file : wp-content/themes/kleo/assets/css/app.css

    with this one :

    Let me know

    This will be included in next theme update

    Make sure to have development mode -> on from wp-admin -> theme options -> miscellaneous


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    It doesn’t work.


    You will have to enable developer mode from wp-admin -> theme options -> miscellaneous

    Let me know

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    I disabled it ,
    Do I need also disable minifying, in the Litespeed Cache plugin??

    When does the update is planned?



    I think those days, today or tomorrow, if no at the start of the next week

    You don’t need to disable that, you can purge all caches then will cache app.js file and will be ok


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