This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #85830

    Hi, I am using the latest version of the Kleo theme and members can upload photos that are gigantic which is eating up precious server disk space. Any way to crop uploaded cover images automatically to a size I specify?

    This would be ideal, similar to how rtMedia does this for photo uploads. It really saves disk space and makes the site faster. I use the box layout too so honestly there is no need for users to upload such large images.

    Ideally this setting will effect cover photos for member profiles and group cover photos or better yet, give site admins the option to specify different sizes for both.

    Thank you!


    There isn’t, but you can limit the upload size using this filter:

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    That’s a bummer as I hate to rely on another plugin, however, I just found this amazing plugin after doing some research and it not only resizes images to a specified size but also can compress them at the same time. It also does other things like bulk resize images already uploaded. –





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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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