This topic has 77 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by BajaPablo.

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  • #119067

    I am not asking for Customizations and installations, this is on your website, please do what you promise! Who is the author and how do I contact that person?

    All the items you buy are quality checked by Envato. Any future update made available by the author is included with every purchase.
    Plus, item support includes:

    Availability of the author to answer questions
    Get assistance with reported bugs and issues
    Help with included 3rd party assets

    Item support does not include:

    Customizations and installations


    Hi there, we are the author and you are talking to the author’s support staff.

    Probably there is just a miscommunication problem between you and Radu.
    I saw you have some queries and as Radu mentioned before we can help you with theme problems but not with customisations requests, and I am sure you understand what theme support means.

    1. Fix the “too many fields in the matching profile match set-up” and please repair. If I need to eliminate or temporarily disable that plug-in to make future changes let me know.

    — Please edit your fields from WP admin – Users – Profile fields ( this should be handled by you and not us since it is your site to customise)

    2. I need terms and conditions and privacy policy enabled and customization by me for context changes. You are asked to check a box “I agree to terms and conditions” when registering and I can’t find them anywhere! Terms and conditions should be on the register pages and privacy policy on the contact page right?

    — That should be assigned to a page from your site(just create that page) in WP admin – Sweetdate – Miscellaneous – Terms and conditions page

    3. I need the reCaptcha on the little pop up register page resulted from the top little signup button, I have it installed on the main register page but I need it in both places.

    — on the register popup there is no need for a recaptcha input since it is just a middle step that gets you to Buddypress register page and no submissions are done from the popup. SO add a buddyPress recaptcha plugin that shows the verification on the actual Register page.

    4. Also the message to non-registered visitor is not very pretty on the blog page – “Apologies, but no results were found. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.” with the search field. I would like to be able the change that to “This content is available to higher membership levels only” without the search field.

    — This should be done by you and you need to edit theme templates like search.php but that message comes when the result brings no posts to the user. Probably you have some post restrictions and they get filtered but you need to extend theme functionality on your own if you need customisations.

    5. Please take a look at the site and suggest ways to improve it and make it more simplified yet functional. I am trying to make the site simple to navigate and user friendly.
    Thank you for your excellent service to date!

    I hope I clarified things for you and please try to reach a programmer for things that you need to extend based on our theme.


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Excellent feedback, thanks! I fixed all the above (but item #3, thanks for the further explanation on the little registration page) myself today in about 2 hours… The Nothing Found blog page is changed by editing the content-none.php text, which I did but for some reason I am not seeing the changes in my browser. The feedback from you is what I expected before from Radu. I suspect you are more knowledgeable and have a better grasp of the theme’s potential. Radu has been great and patient with my previous questions. Have a great day! Love the theme! –


    Any ideas why this page is not showing the changes I made to the content-none.php file, I have waited awhile and cleaned out all the caches I could at admin and in the browser and changed file permissions, thanks!

    It should read – “Apologies, this content is available to higher membership levels only.” – without a search field…


    Still the blog page will not reflect the changes saved in the content-none file, see attached jpg…

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Disable W3 total cache while you work on your website, or purge cache after every small/large change to the site
    Let me know if the content appear to the blog after you do that maybe the blog page has been cached with nothing in it.


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    I disabled W3 cache yesterday and have left it off, that was the source of my profile matching fields problem… so that is not a factor… thanks!


    If you disable all plugins you are able to see posts on the blog ?

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    I tried this edit process and still no chance, I completely replace the php file with a new one via FTP, very odd…

    …attached is my page with the changes… still no change here…

    – this is my last job before I buy an SSL certificate and publish the site amigo!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    This is the link I sent in the message above, for some reason it did not show for you-

    I want the eliminate that search field where people access all my other pages in the Sweet Child theme!


    NO, this is the page that comes up if you are not registered or a member, there should not be any blog posts there Radu, the message is ugly and the search field accesses all my Sweet Date files… see attached. Not good! Thats why I want to change the text and eliminate the search field!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    I see the blog posts if I log in as admin or log-in registered as a member… see the attached – blog after logged in… the page I am trying to change is for the non logged non registered visitors…

    I want it to read…

    Members Only
    Apologies, this content is available to members only.
    Without the search field…

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    It’s not recommended to do that changes in parent theme, just copy the file (content-none.php) from /sweet/wp-content/themes/sweetdate/ to wp-content/themes/sweetdate-child/ in this way the changes will remain after theme update, also make sure that the file to not exist already in the child theme and maybe that’s the reason for text that not change.

    The child theme should be installed and active.

    I cannot do debugging after you have modified files from the parent theme

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    “I cannot do debugging after you have modified files from the parent theme” funny, you would not do debugging BEFORE I HAD TO MAKE CHARGES to the parent theme, now you won’t again…


    CORRECTION – “I cannot do debugging after you have modified files from the parent theme” funny, you would not do debugging BEFORE I HAD TO MAKE CHANGES to the parent theme, now you won’t again…


    I CHECKED THE CHILD THEME WHICH IS INSTALLED AND THAT FILE IS NOT THERE… don’t you have a copy of the child theme to check? It would take me 1 minute to reinstall the original content-none.php file in the parent theme via FTP, I have it backed up, what will you do to “debugging” the problem after I replace the content-none.php with the original? Tell me to turn off all my plugins again? I am trying to do a little tiny customization of one of your files, it seems you don’t have a clue what I am doing, where is that guy that answered my 5 issues yesterday, one by one, that guy seems to know what is going on in the theme. Please have him review what I have sent you today, thanks Radu for helping! I have this one task to do and the website is done after I install an SSL certificate. I DON”T want a search field on the blog resulting from the content-none.php file where visitors can search all my Sweet Date files, that is not good for the site’s security, right?

    Thanks again!


    OK, the original content-none.php file is re-installed in the parent theme, when can you start “debugging”…

    I want it to read…

    Members Only
    Apologies, this content is available to members only.
    Without the search field…

    NOT what you see in the attached jpg…


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    hei @BajaPablo
    Radu’s answer is correct. That is the template to change on your server, content-none.php

    I don’t think there is something we can do since it is a simple process, just to edit that file on your server in the correct location. Make sure you are editing the right file please. Whatever you write there should reflect on your site. If that does not happen then you are not editing it in the correct path or something else like caching is preventing it to show.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Abe, exactly, I just wanted to know if there is something I maybe missing, because I am editing the content-none.php file and hitting the update button and the file never updates reflected on the website, on the blog page for non-registered non-member first time visitors… I hate that search fields as it allows visitors to search my internal Sweet Date files, why is that designed like that? You hit the search button and all my files are exposed… not good. See attached jpgs, is this normal, I have not changed anything in the parent theme files, is this the way the theme functions normally? Not good security amigo! I want to change this before I publish the site… do all the themes have this search field for non-registered non-member first time visitors? Look at the last jpg, there are buttons to continue the search to all my pages, why and how can I fix that?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    “Radu’s answer is correct. That is the template to change on your server, content-none.php”, Radu did not tell me to edit that file I found it myself opening every file in the parent theme before I found it! I really appreciate you guys helping me, thanks, don’t miss the previous message Abe…


    Abe and Radu, Success! I found some code for the Sweet Date theme search.php template that directs you back to the site when you click on the search button with no content in the field. Rather than having all those internal pages revealed… I think you may want to include this in your next update, with my blessings.

    You will find the code here, replace the DOT with a period when you search for this page… THE CODE IS THERE, MAGIC!


    Here is the code below you will paste into the Sweet Date theme search.php template – attached NO RESULTS FOUND jpg is the result when you click on the blog search button as a non-registered non-member visitor and an illustration of my blog search content-none.php template page which I found out is a loop to another wordpress template in another theme, its difficult to figure out how to change the text on that page… test it out, visit my blog page and click on search next to the search field… thanks again for your patience and help!

    The magic Sweet Date theme search.php template code…

    * The template for displaying search results pages
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Twenty_Sixteen
    * @since Twenty Sixteen 1.0

    get_header(); ?>

    <?php if ( have_posts() && strlen( trim(get_search_query()) ) != 0 ) : ?>

    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?>

    title=”<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”
    href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>”
    <?php the_post_thumbnail( ‘medium’ ); ?>

    <!–/.span3 –>

    <?php else : ?>

    <!– /.row-fluid –>
    <hr />
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php else : ?>

    <?php endif ;?>

    <!–/.span8 –>

    <!–/.row –>

    <!–/.container –>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    You can remove the search form from content-none.php and this will not be showed.

    Instead of deleting you can comment the code for later use

    <?php //get_search_form(); ?>

    If you want to show the search form conditional for logged in users search form and for the logged out users a certain message, you will have to look for a web developer.


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    Not true, I spent a week looking for the content-none file.php myself, you did not know that was the template I needed to edit, right? When I found it I spent 3 days trying to edit that file and it would not show on my site because that file is a looped child of another theme in wordpress, I found that out myself… and I found the edit I needed to prohibit visitors from seeing all my files myself, right? Through this experience with you and 7th Queen support, I have found out I either hire someone else to make the site work properly or do it myself… no worries, I love the site, keep up the good work! I hope I am done with any more changes, I am testing the site today before publishing it…
    Thanks, Cheers!


    You can also try to give a look for that message in index.php that message appears in only two files content-none.php and index.php

    If is not content-none.php sure is index.php

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    Thanks! I will investigate that… check out my new search.php page it is fully customization and reflects the changes instantly… jpg attached… I know nothing about code and am fumbling through these changes searching the web…

    Have a great day! Or evening, if you are in India we are 9 hours different…

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Testing is the fun part, here are my first 2 registered players soon to be members as I test my payment gateway… ;o)

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hi 7th Queen, I just got a notice of theme upgrade and downloaded it, where is the changelog? It is not listed on the envato download page, thanks!



    The theforest page will be updated soon.
    Until then details here :


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    No problem,

    Good luck with your project


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    Thanks! Next comes the advertising and promotion, the SEO upgrades are beginning to to work as search engines are recognizing the website… I need a attract paying members plugin!!! Have a good week amigo…

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    You to man


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    Hi Radu, I hope all is well there at your workplace… I am trying to download the latest update and cannot find the link listed on this page… do you have a direct link for me? Thanks!



    From what i know latest version can be downloaded from your theme forest account -> downloads


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    OK, the download link appeared after I logged in, thanks again!


    I will close this ticket,it becomes unrelated to the topic title.


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    Cool, thanks!

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