This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Pedroml.

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  • #16433


    How can I change the backgorund color of search field?



    Hi, the search fields don’t have background attached to dynamic color system, in fact they have no background applied at all to best fit on most page backgrounds.
    Because search fields come from different sources/plugins like bbpress, buddypress, wp widgets, etc, they have different structures. I can provide you the exact css style but I need to be more sfecific on which one you want to change them.


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Yup, just use CSS via the Kleo theme settings, replacing #f00 for whatever colour code you want….

    Default wordpress sidebar search:

    #searchform .input-group { background-color: #f00; }

    Kleo main menu search pop-up panel:

    #nav-menu-item-search .show_search_pop { background-color: #f00; }

    And the search box itself:

    #nav-menu-item-search .form-control { background-color: #f00; }

    bbPress forums search:

    .bbp-search-form { background-color: #f00; }

    BuddyPress groups search form:

    #search-groups-form { background-color: #f00; }

    BuddyPress members search form:

    #search-members-form { background-color: #f00; }

    If you have a browser such as Google Chrome, you can right click any part of a web page and choose “Inspect Element” to see the HTML behind it and get class or id of tags.


    Thanks @guy_fraser, really appreciated 😉


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    🙂 If that works pls mark topic as Resolved (top of page).


    Thanks @guy_fraser, I forgot to say that it was the search from the top menu, solved!

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