This topic has 38 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Andrei.

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  • #72356

    How is it possible that it rank it so low?
    Mobile : 36
    desktop: 49

    i alreay optimalised my images with wp smush and also by hand maked them alot smaller..
    For the rest what i can see is java script problems etc..

    Can you help me out on this one 🙂



    Read this topic it’s very related, here you will find some guides about optimization.

    Best regards


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    I will tnx!


    I will respond you here,

    You need to do some research how to configure and optimize w3 total cache.

    I’ve that you don’t have minified your resources ( css/js ).

    Another guide here :


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    I says their to put minify on automatic, but when i do that i see this:
    it crashes my webpage..

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    I would be nice if you guys told us the exact optimization ways… since I have seen several different recommendation here..

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    I putted minify on cloudlare on, now its a little better
    58 / 100 mobile
    79 / 100 desktop

    it still says pictures optimising


    After i putted minify on the blog page won`t work anymore

    its blank, all the other pages seems to work fine, also tryed a new page then this codex in but same problem.


    You need to go add to exception list the blog page from here : then look for Never minify the following pages: here add /blog/

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    Awsome, blog works after that!

    58 / 100 mobile
    79 / 100 desktop

    Is that the best i can get, or can i change some more things 😉


    I think that is best can you get, from my point of view it’s a decent speed score.

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    Tnx for the help!


    For some reasen its not loading again, i did the minify part (white screen)


    its a W3 Total Cache problem, when i put it off it works, but i need that plugin to keep the webpage fast.


    Just put the /blog/ in the exception list it woks. and if you have installed some other plugins disable them and check, after all clear all cache browser and flush w3 cache.


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    Additional pages is the exception list right? or am i looking at the wrong one. i got the page /recepten-blog their.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Try to resave permalinks by going to Wp-Admin -> Settings -> Permalinks -> Save Changes.

    Then add to exception list


    Then flush w3 cache and clear browser cache.

    Let me know if it works.

    Best Regards


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    I did all you asked, but still the same white screen.

    its strange becouse before the kleo update it worked fine.


    Can you set the wp_debug true ?


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    I think i found the problem, when you encounter same problem, just disable w3 cache plugin and enable it.

    Set back wp_config to false

    Best regards


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    I dont get what you mean with encounter the same problem,

    i disabled and enabled w3cache plugin and did the config thing, but still it dont work.


    I mean, when you blog page becomes white try to disable and enable w3 total cache,

    Now the blog page it’s working as you can see live at :

    If you still see whitepage, check the page in incognito or/and clear your browser cache.



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    i havent changed a thing, and now its again white, i disabled the plugin, also did the permalinks and stuff but still 🙁


    Hi again,

    Can you please provide error.log ? you can find the file by accessing via FTP in the root domain.



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    Disable this plugin smart-app-banners and check after if the blog page it;s white.



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    I disabled iT but still white here.


    Now, the debug what shows ?

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    I suggest you to try to find and test another cache plugin. IT takes to long to debug you problem and it may be caused by the hosting configuration.

    Thank you for understanding.



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    You need to disable debug ( )

    Connect to your website server via FTP in root domain directory you will see wp-config.php open the file look for define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true ); change true to false it should look like this define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );



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    * For developers: WordPress debugging mode.
    * Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.
    * It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG
    * in their development environments.
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);

    Its already set as false.


    In what page do you receive this error please ?

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    i don’t get what you mean? you helped me with the error above, couldt be fixed right ? i disabled the cache plugin atm, becouse i want it all to work 🙂


    Those “errors” are just notices, if you see it in your error.log file you can ignore it, if you see it displayed in the content of your page then it means you have to turn off debugging. If you are getting “Warning” messages then those are real errors and you might need to take action to fix them.

    Regarding the errors you given above, they aren’t related to our theme, as well the W3TC plugin might not work on your site because of conflicts with other plugins that you might have. W3TC should work by default with Kleo without problems without any special settings, it does on our demo sites.

    As an alternative I recommend you to try the Supercache plugin in conjunction with Better Wordpres Minify.

    In the future we’ll try to create some tutorials about setting up caching solutions, but most of the time there are issues caused by third party plugins, not by our theme.


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