This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Radu.

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  • #99219

    I’ve been using BuddyApp successfully for several months. But I have had a massive problem on my website since about 5pm ET on Fri 15Jan. My site crashed and I have not been able to access the admin desktop through /wp-admin. About that time I had updated a few plugins and also turned on Buddy Press Cover Photo plugin. I got a fatal error from Rating-Widget plugin and thought that was the problem. However after working with their support team and my Dreamhost support team, things are pointing to rtMedia as the problem.

    Specifically now if I deactivate all my plugins (using sftp to rename the plugins folder) then bring them up one by one, everything is fine as I turn on plugins until I get to rtMedia. As soon as that is activated, I get an error where the admin desktop page goes away and is replaced with an Error page — “This Webpage has a Redirect Loop – too many redirects’.  I notice that the URL at that Error point changes and also has rtmedia in it:

    I further tried to solve this by deleting and downloading rtmedia again (3.10.1) and then after clearing the error again per above, I activate ONLY only rtMedia plugin. As soon as I activate rtMedia, I can no longer get into my admin dashboard, goes to the redirects error.

    Is there some bug/interaction between BuddyApp and rtMedia? (this is new). Is there some interaction between BuddyApp, rtMedia and the BuddyPress Cover Photo plugin? I had just turned on the Cover Photo plugin Friday when all this happened and it appears Cover Photo may also use rtMedia. ? At this time, however, I no other plugins turned on (including Cover Photo) and I get the admin page redirect error just with rtMedia so don’t know what to make of this.  Your ideas?



    Normally this is not happend, on my local environment it works without any problems with rtmedia and rest of the recommended theme plugins, do you have enabled wp_debug ? what errors appears ? Leave wp_debug_log ON ( ) to catch all erros in the file

    Maybe is a server setting related problem like memory limit or execution time….do you have custom modifications to the theme ? Or in child theme ?



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
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