This topic has 18 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #46483

    BuddyPress Group page layout.

    When I use Kleo, on the BP Groups page, it looks like image “kleo_groups_main_20150217”

    Then when I click to All Groups (or My Groups) it changes to look like image “kleo_groups_main2_20150217”

    If I remove the Kleo theme, and use a base Genesis theme, there is no problem with the display of Groups // All or My (it doesn’t have the nice boxes, of course, but the layout is not broken).

    How can I get some assistance on what it conflicting with the Kleo theme to cause this layout issue?

    Thank you in advance.

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    In what version of Kleo you encounter this problem ?

    If you don’t have latest version, update ti to 2.4

    Try to disable plugins one by one and check what plugin causes this problem.

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    Hello Radu,

    Thank you for the reply. Yes, I do have 2.4 active. I have deactivated All other plugins, the issues remains. Here is what I think is causing it, I hope you can help me.

    We have Kleo ‘activated’ as our ‘alternate’ theme, where we have another theme as the ‘primary’ theme. Then we have Kleo as the ‘primary’ theme on specific pages, like everything related to BuddyPress and Woocommerce.

    We use the jonradio theme switcher plugin to select the ‘primary’ theme based on the page, etc… For the most part, it works great.

    However, it seems as on the Groups page, for some reason Kleo does not ‘refresh’ when switching between All / My views, and I guess the way it changes views (AJAX?) does not fully ‘activate’ Kleo as the ‘primary’ theme.

    Is there a way to make the switch between those views be more like a ‘refresh/reload’ so Kleo will fully activate?



    The problem indeed seems to be triggered by an javascript error, probably the theme switcher plugin you use blocks somehow some of our resources. Could you please post a link to your page so I can see what’s not loading exactly ?

    Looking forward.

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    @sharstr – if you click on All Groups (even if not logged in to have a “My Groups”) when you are on the page, it then changes to the broken view.

    If you then manually refresh the page, the good grid comes back.

    I didn’t realize that would also happen until I accidentally clicked on All Groups when I was not logged in once.


    ugh. Inability to type AND inability to edit… sorry, I meant @sharmstr 🙂 but did you delete your comment?



    From what I can say the problem comes from the theme switcher plugin that you say you’re using. Probably he doesn’t know to look for buddypress tempaltes, and it will serve the default buddypress template or the one from your main theme. You should contact the author of that plugin and ask him about compatibility with buddypress and tell him your issue.

    Please understand that you’re trying to use our theme in a custom way, with tools on which we can’t interfere.
    Let me know if managed to get any extra information about this issue.


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    The ajax to refresh the page is obviously being triggered. There is no error messages. But for whatever reason, its not requesting pages (templates) from Kleo. If you look at the source code, none of the kleo classes are being returned. It appears to be ignoring the fact that you have a theme installed and its using the default BP templates. Perhaps you should ask over there.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Andrei. Glad we saw the same issue.

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    Glad we did !

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    I’m also glad you both saw the same issue… I just wish it was one that was easily resolved. 🙂

    Thanks to you both for the timely help. I’ll keep digging to see what I can figure out.


    So I heard back from the plugin dev (great support), and it is likely easiest for me to pass along what he said:

    “Determine what the URLs are that AJAX is accessing for the small areas of the web page that are wrong;
    If they are /wp-admin/ URLs, please let me know.
    If they are not /wp-admin/ URLs, then add them to the Settings for my plugin, pointing them to the correct theme;
    See if that addresses the problem;”

    There were then other steps, based on what we determine after these.

    Could you let me know how I determine what the URL(s) are that AJAX is accessing?



    Use the developer tools for whatever browser you’re using. In the network section, you’ll see all of the calls. Not sure why they didnt do this for you.

    I’m not trying to be a B word. I’m trying to get you to learn how to do it since that’s what I’ve had to do with almost every question you’ve asked. 🙂

    For chrome

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    Excellent. I usually just need to be pointed in a direction. I’m not afraid of swimming in the deep end, no matter how over my head it is. I may be dog-paddling, but still… 🙂



    Spend some time trying to figure it out. Report back your findings and I’ll let you know if you’re right. LOL

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    This isn’t resolved yet, but the jonradio multitheme dev has been fantastically responsive. We’re trying some more debugging over the weekend. I provided the ajax call info, and he’s made some initial tweaks. Once we get it resolved, or come to a roadblock, I’ll ‘report back my findings’ over here and you can let me know if I was right – unlikely as that may be. 🙂

    Thanks again.


    Great news.

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