This topic has 33 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 9 years by donn4ojam.

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  • #1599

    Hi ,

    i think it was worderfull if on the profile page we can see Profile Progression.

    Can give any help on implement this ? By the way where i can see user profile details defined in admin?



    You can use that plugin if it is already available. It should integrate fine with the theme

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    Use function bppp_progression_block() to display the profile progression block in your templates.

    can give some help to put the progression bar in profile page.. where to put this function?


    You could use an action to render that. Add this to sweetdate-child/functions.php

    add_action('kleo_bp_header_actions', 'my_prog_bar', 11);
    function my_prog_bar() {
    if (function_exists('bppp_progression_block')) {
    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    great it works 🙂
    just one problem .. it mess a little the page , mesages boxes get under the photo profile
    my_prog_bar is to define the class?


    Can you provide a link? If you don’t want it public, email us at

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    Try the code bellow that adds it only to your own profile and shows beneath the image

    add_action('kleo_bp_header_actions', 'my_prog_bar', 11);
    function my_prog_bar() {
    if (function_exists('bppp_progression_block') AND bp_is_my_profile()) {
    echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Excelent fix 🙂
    works perfectly


    For me it does not work. Why the code is copied to SweetDate-child – the subject is not active. Activity is SweetDate. Please write a line number of this code is to be copied in sweetdate-child/function.php?


    is there a way to use the circulair progress bar for the theme (profile match) instead of the linier bar ?


    and great work by the way


    ok done it myself thanks


    Could you post your full solution please including using the circular progress bar?



    im no pro but here goes

    1. install plugin profil progression as mentioned above.
    2. go to plugin – installed plugins – BuddyPress Profile Progression
    3. modify the file “buddypress-profile-progression/theme/bppp-member.php”
    4 replace the entire contents with the following code.

    <div class="circular-item" , 'kleo_framework').'">
    <small class="icon strong">Profil</small>
    <input type="text" value="<?php echo (int)(bppp_get_user_progression_percent());?>" class="greenCircle">
    <span class="user"></span>

    5. add the following code to functions.php

    add_action('kleo_bp_before_profile_name', 'my_prog_bar', 11);
    function my_prog_bar() {
    if (function_exists('bppp_progression_block') AND bp_is_my_profile()) {


    i also created an image file called user_bg_png to replace the hearts image as in the match progress.

    if you do so then add the following to assets/styles/app.css

    .circular-item .user { background: url(../images/user_bg.png) no-repeat; display: block; width: 39px; height: 30px; position: absolute; right: 0; top: -20px; }

    iff not just remove the class="user" in the file “buddypress-profile-progression/theme/bppp-member.php” modified earlier

    hope this works for you


    Thank you @Leap-it

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    your welcome dont forget to go to settings/buddypress then click on the settings tab and chose No auto embed (this will hide the horizontal bar)


    Thanks Leap-it, works great.


    I subscribe I am interested, thank you all


    Hello, I followed the steps-it companion Leap in Dreamweaver does not give me any error, the isntaxis is correct, but when loading the web tells me that the line 13 funcions.php this ma-defined syntax .. I’m doing wrong?

    I copied and pasted the code I have as such:

    in the browser tells me something like this:

    Fatal error: Can not redeclare my_setup_nav () (previously declared in / hermes / bosorawebxxx / xxxx / ipg.david / wp-content / themes / sweetdate-child / functions.php: 32) in / hermes / bosorawebxxx / xxxx / ipg.david / wp-content/themes/sweetdate/functions.php on line 13

    Thank you very much, good job


    okay, I’ve done it, but if I visit my own profile, I appear twice (away match)

    however if I visit another user’s profile, match and profile appear ..

    I do not want this round, I just want the bar that comes by default, I’ve tried to change, but I get double, one above and one below the photo ..



    ignore de messages, fix it:

    in options WP-admin / BuddyPress / Configuration / select option: When editing a profile



    Hello, as I have followed all the steps, but the percentage does not vary as the profile is filling.. I’m doing wrong?

    Thanks to all!




    That should be related to the plugin and not the theme. Contact the developer, check your cache

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Help please, I lost my profile match circle image following these steps, I uninstall and reinstall buddypress-profile-progression plugin and the problem is still there.
    is there somewhere I could go to make sure the system is still there?

    Thank you in advance.


    Please how to change the text color (or background color) inside the circle ?
    I’ve try css like this:

    input[type=”text”].greenCircle {
    color: #222222;


    @donn4ojam that should not be related. Make sure you are logged in and viewing another profile other that yours 😀

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.



    See function circularMatch() in sweetdate/assets/scripts/app.js and you will see the colors in these lines
    ‘bgColor’ : kleoFramework.mainColor,
    ‘fgColor’: ‘#ffffff’,

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    The following problems except #5 were all solved by deactivating GEO MY WP
    1. Profile dropdown not working.
    2. Using a phone the menu is not working, nav wont open to show other links.
    3. When a user is logged in and viewing their profile the tabs after “Basic Info” are not clickable… they should show content for that tab right?
    4. To save you from jumping around the profile match circle is not showing. I made sure I am logged in and viewing another profile other that my own and it is not showing. is there a way to make sure the circle coding is in tact or something like that?
    5. How to change the word “Groups” in Groups Directory and in the search field “Search Groups” tabs for “All Groups” and “My Groups”. As you will see I have changed it in other places already.
    6. Failed to mention on the registration page user selects “This field can be seen by:” text displays in a list, the most annoying thing is after a user selects age the dropdwon boxes clomps together making it a little hard to select month and year.

    Thank you again Abe


    how can translate this:

    Thank you !


    @donn4ojam the strings can be changed by translating Buddypress plugin and changing those fields.

    that comes from the progression plugin

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    I don’t know much so I tried looking in buddypress/bp-groups/bp-groups-filters.php not sure if that is the file I need to be editing can you please guide me in detail please, thank you Abe.


    I did some digging and found out how to change the strings by following and this is what really did it for me

    Thank you Abe, you rock!


    Great, glad I could help

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Just realize the links I posted is not showing, I’ll give it another try.

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