This topic has 36 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by clyn.

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  • #99274

    Actually nobody still solve my admin panel and site slow problem. Offcource when i install wp3 my site is fast. But still admin panel is so slow. whatever

    when i install VC Extension, i am checking  and test with P3 profiller pluging, buddypress media load time minimum 20-30 seconds, when i deactive VC extension buddy press media load time 3-4 seconds. I dont understant, i have SSD VDS server but my admin panel is really slow. I installed query monitor to find and test, giving this PHP error

    Warning: ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons in /home//public_html/wp-content/plugins/query-monitor/collectors/php_errors.php on line 46 – i think my hosting will solve this error 

    Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/do9artnoid/public_html/wp-content/plugins/query-monitor/collectors/php_errors.php:46) in /home//public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-media/index.php on line 61 

    but i dont understand buddypress media PHP error…


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    Hi @clyn, sorry for the small delay,

    Firstly you’re reporting several issues but from what I can see your main problem is overall loading speeds.

    In your first post you have exemplified 2 errors which the first one is generated by your server limitation and the second appears because the first issue output, so if you fix the first you won’t get the second.

    If you’re saying you’re having a 120$/month vps box then it should have run smoothly without any issue but such issues might also appear if your vps box is not properly setup and configured for web hosting.

    Also, it might also be possible that your vps has it’s resources shared on the parent server which in the end might be oversold which makes you pay more just for the concept of a “vps” box but you might up ending with much lesser resources available than the one you have been advertised in the plan for which you’re paying for, resulting in the end with big impact on the application you’re running.

    I know that our theme comes with some plugins pre-packaged or as recommendations to use, but such speed issues in the end are direct responsibility of each plugin author in part. A simple demonstration that speed issues are not related to the theme you can simply leave all the plugins you want to use activated and switch to a default wordpress theme, in this case you shouldn’t notice a big drop in load times or resources usage.

    It’s a known fact that the rtMedia ( buddypress media ) is a heavy plugin but the majority of the users doesn’t notice, aren’t impacted ( because of very optimised web hostings), or they simply think it worths for the features that it adds.

    On the other side, the Visual Composer plugin is also a very heavy and ajax intensive plugin, but in this case only your “add post/page” will suffer of it’s impact because the visual builder interface needs to process lots of data in order to ease your work. Visual Composer doesn’t have any big impact on the front end of your site if you’re asking yourself about it.

    If you have installed and set up your own vps box and you’re not a system administrator person in order to make optimisations on your vps box then I don’t think this hosting solution will work for you and I recommend you to search for managed services.

    Also please understand that if you’re trying to run a full featured portal ( members system, membership system, forums, ecommerce ) will require a high performance hosting solution and if you have such issues on a test site I really think the problem in this case is your hosting company.

    Also, you didn’t specified anything about the traffic that your site might have to support or if it already has some traffic, this might contribute a lot and if the problem comes from here you’ll probably need to scale/increase your hosting plan in order to reflect the resources usage.

    Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.


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    The loading speeds are “acceptable” for me, ~2-3 seconds per load, but once you’ll have more traffic it might get worse.

    I see your server is running php 5.4 with apache, ask your hosting if they can configure your server to run with php-fpm 5.6 + nginx ( best case ) or at least php5.6 + apache, that way you should feel an improvement, we had customer reporting that migrating from php 5.4 to php 5.6 had doubled the site speed.

    Also you shouldn’t consider a slow admin panel as the main problem, your main focus should be on the front end where you can improve the things by using all sorts of caching systems.

    Please talk with your hosting about my above recommendations regarding php versions.

    Looking forward.

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    VDS means it’s a divided server, still shared with other users, less isolated than a VPS. ( )

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    You’re making a big mistake, Kleo is just a theme and is not responsible of the amount of plugins and components that you want to use on your site, sure we have prepared our them to work with all of them, but not all of them are required, so if there are any plugins that you personally don’t use please deactivate them.

    The only required plugins for Kleo theme are K-Elements and Visual Composer, the rest of them just are additional features and you should enable the ones you really use.

    It’s absolutely normal for a site to be heavier if you keep adding and adding more components and features to it, this would happen the same with any theme that you would use, for example, please let all your plugins activated and switch your theme to a wordpress default one and you’ll see you have the same slow loading speeds.

    1. Please provide me an screenshot with the exact error to which you’re referring to.
    2. Get a better hosting, but please understand that 2-5 seconds load page in backend is a good loading time if you have that amount of plugins activated.

    I really think you should consider putting more focus on the part of the site visible to your clients and not to the administration panel.

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    Ok, thanks for sharing those screenshots, it seems that the plugin updater remote server is having some problems right now, we’ll try to remediate this asap, is true that for the moment it might add a few seconds for failing to check plugin updates but it shouldn’t affect you on long term.

    P3 is not exactly the most reliable reporting tool, query monitor works better, and if you will want to make an advanced profiling you will have to use services like “New Relic”.

    You can also contact rtMedia about this issue you’re encountering when you’re activating their plugin.

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    I’ve made a small modification on your site on the K-Elements plugin and deactivated the remote call, don’t know if it will improve anything.

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    This is most probably something related to the latest changes your hosting administrator did to change your php version and now some files aren’t correctly included.

    Please contact them to solve this issue, it’s server side.

    Also I saw you have a “meta term filter” plugin which is producing an insane amount of mysql queries on your site, try to deactivate that one and see if you have any improvements.

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    Firstly I recommend you to identify each plugin that slows you down, because a bad application can put down even a dedicated server. Take it step by step, read about caching possibilities in wordpress and activate some kind of caching plugin like W3TC.

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    wp3 or super cache with autooptimization pluging?… Seller meda data filter pluging said super cache is recomemended?


    Yeah, I would go with SuperCache as well. Also you can try WP Better Minify, helps as well.

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    Frontend posting is possible but you won’t be able to use visual composer in there, there are plugins like Social Articles, Gravity Forms, Formidable which can help you add post from the front end.

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    I’m glad I could help and advise.


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    Yesterday I’ve fixed that curl issue coming from our K-Elements plugin, if you can provide me access I can re-make that fix but for all your other issues if you don’t manage to understand how wordpress and how server environments work I really recommend you to hire a developer to help you optimise your website.

    PLEASE NOTE, this is not related to the theme, just switch off the theme and you’ll see you’ll get the same loading speeds in your admin panel.

    Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.


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    Please understand that a theme is different component compared to a plugin. A theme is mostly about design and user interface, just plugins add new features to the wordpress platform.

    For example you can use our theme without enabling all the plugins, and yes it’s normal and also happens on whatever theme you will use, your site will get slowly depending of the number of active plugins activated and their complexity.

    Here is an example, I have deactivated the Kleo theme and your site is still slow because of the number of plugins, because they are the ones adding weight on your site.

    I have fixed/disabled K-Elements remote updater library which gave you the curl timeout errors.

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    oh sorry, activated kleo now.. its ok sorry

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    You will need to edit this file “wp-content/plugins/k-elements/setup.php” and comment out the last two lines ( by adding // before each line ).


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    thanks … 🙂

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