This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #43887

    Hey guys,

    I’ve probably found a bug in Kleo Theme.

    I’ve created groups, but within these groups I cannot post updates when using plugin Buddypress Activity Plus. I’m missing the post update button for groups.
    > see screenshot ingroups_activityplus_on.tiff

    Initially I thought it was a plugin problem; but when I switched off this plugin this problem still exist in groups > see screenshot ingroups_activityplus_off.tiff.

    To prove that it really is Kleo-related, I installed another Buddypress theme and switched off Kleo. The result is that this time I can post updates within my Groups when using another theme. > see screenshot ingroups_nonKleo.tiff.

    Resume: Cannot post updates in Groups. I’m missing the post update button for groups.

    I’m using the latest Kleo-Theme: 2.3.1.
    and the latest Buddypress and WordPress versions.

    Need a fix please.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    …. and also missing the “Attach Files”- button.



    Are you hosting on WPEngine?

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    I guess that might not be the problem as it worked with other themes. See screenshots.

    Any idea?


    what the other theme you used?

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    I’ve used another Buddypress theme to make sure that’s not plugin related.

    But I’ve found the solution:

    I added this code to my function.php in my child theme and changed “depreciated” into “deprecated”, so one small typo can create alot of trouble 🙁

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'load_buddypress_js' );
    function load_buddypress_js () {
    if (bp_is_group() || is_page( 'activity' )) {
    wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_query',plugins_url() . '/buddypress/bp-core/js/jquery-query.min.js',array("jquery"));
    wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_members',plugins_url() . '/buddypress/bp-core/js/widget-members.min.js',array("jquery"));
    wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_cookie',plugins_url() . '/buddypress/bp-core/js/jquery-cookie.min.js',array("jquery"));
    wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_scroll',plugins_url() . '/buddypress/bp-core/deprecated/js/jquery-scroll-to.min.js',array("jquery"));
    wp_enqueue_script('buddypress_js',get_template_directory_uri() . '/buddypress/js/buddypress.min.js',array("jquery"));

    I got this code from your link:

    And now it’s working fine! So probably a typo error in your theme?


    Ooops, something went wrong with copy-pasting the right code.. Can you change this for me? I cannot edit it anymore.



    Its not a typo in the theme. I came up with that code to fix the issue with groups on sites hosted at WPEngine. That’s why I gave you that link.

    The issue is that WPEngine is blocking all of those files listed in that code. You’ll see that all of those files are Buddypress files. Not Kleo files.

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