This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Dmarkham.

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  • #43685

    In other words, I have two levels and I basically have three ‘products’ = Level A only, Level A and Level B together, Level B as an add-on (requiring already being a Level A member).

    It seems simpler (content is restricted by membership level) to just have two products (A, A-and-B) and discount A-and-B if they’re already an A member.

    Otherwise, if I add a third product (B only) I have to test during the purchase process to see if they’re an A member. But maybe I’m missing some easier way.



    I have the PMPro Woo Commerce add-on. Here’s what I’ve discovered: If I add a product I can set difference prices for different membership levels. HOWEVER, it doesn’t work if that product is identified as a “membership product” within the membership tab in the product edit page.

    I don’t know if that’s intended (or why it would be) or if there’s some bug.

    Anyone have any insight?


    Hi, sorry can’t really tell where that comes from. I guess the addon developers can help you with that


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Thanks Abe. This issue has been open on the developers site since Sept. I added some more info. I’ll keep this thread open for a little longer in case I discover something that might benefit other users here.

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