This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #69596

    Hi, I purchased kleo theme and I tried to upload it but I couldn’t.I’m using wordpress over 2 years and this is my at least 5th premium theme so I know how to install it but I just couldn’t.I tried using .zip file via wordpress admin panel but when uploading over I received blablabala file couldn’t copied eror.And this blablabla file is different everytime.So I go to the FileZilla and tried upload manually but this time I can upload 222 files but can’t upload 665 files.So I think maybe I can’t download the file correctly I changed my WiFi and tried all these again but I couldn’t upload the theme all these same reasons.



    I can help you with theme upload if you want.

    Please provide admin credentials and FTP.



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    Hi, I see this problem just because of me. First I upload correctly but than theme seems broken and later it turned out because of chrome 44 but I already delete the theme and try to re-install and this is the time when problems started.I delete all the plugins and then I can upload the theme.But now still some problems because I can’t delete the theme perfectly if I can delete the themes and preferences and all the thinks related the theme like pages posts and widgets I can perfectly re-install.So I send you a PM my FTP and admin credentials.If you can delete the theme right and re-install One-Page Demo site I would be very appreciated 🙂

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    I’ve looked ar your install, it’s ok, i’ve associated pages for buddypress, the slider not displaying images because the images are not part of download, you need to add your own images to slider.



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