This topic has 14 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #42172


    I’ve be very grateful for any advice on the best way to change the default buddypress signup and registration text please? In addition to this I’d really like to have a ‘reasons why you should become a member’ page similar to this page:

    I’m not a very technical so a plugin of some description would be great.


    Hi, you can edit that template by changing this file from the theme: wp-content/themes/kleo/buddypress/members/register.php

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi Abe,

    I’m getting a bit confused about when I should and shouldn’t be editing the child theme? Also I’ve activated the child theme but should that be the one I’m generally working on?


    You should always have the child theme enabled, even after upgrading. The child theme if for all your edits. Do not directly edit any files in the /themes/kleo folder. If you need to make an edit to any of those files first copy the file to /themes/kleo-child/.

    So, in this case, copy

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    Hi, I sorry if this sounds stpid but I need to be absolutely clear.

    Under themes I have Kleo and Kleo child. Both have been installed however Kleo is my ‘active’ theme.Is this correct?

    To date, I have not made any changes any php files etc however I’ve installed lots of plugins and set them all up on the Kleo theme (not the child theme), is this correct?

    Thank you for bearing with me.


    You’re not stupid. You need to have the kleo child theme active. Please read this

    Plugins dont care which theme you are running.

    When you enable kleo child, your “Theme Option” settings will not be carried over. BUT you can export your settings first, then enable the child and import the settings. Its quite simple. I was actually going to write the procedure up on my blog today, but I keep getting side tracked. Do you want me to post a link here when I’m done?

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    Ok, I had a good read, looked at some videos and think I’m almost there.

    1. I went to theme options > Import / export to download my settings
    2. I activated my child theme > theme options > Import (although I just pasted in the contents of the file)
    3. Almost all my settings were back!! However I noticed my menus were not so
    4. I went to appearance > menus and ticked the main menu box to get my menus back

    Question: I noticed I had nothing in my sidebar but don’t know if there’s a way reinstating my widgets?
    Also, is there anything else I’m likely to need?

    Thanks again for all your help, I feel I’ve learnt something today and am of course feeling safer now I’m on the child theme.

    Thanks again and yes great idea for a blog post as there are more and more non-technical people like me using themes.


    *hive five*

    I dont have an answer for you at the moment. But thank you for telling me what doesnt get switched over (or imported). I’ll figure all that out and add it to my blog post. BTW – I dont work here. I’m just putting together some posts so I dont have to search for them on here or re-type everything all the time.

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    Thanks! Since the last message I just put the widgets back in the footer and side-bar and as far as I can see it’s all good. Thanks again for your help. Anyone would think you do work here with all the time and effort you put in. We’re very grateful.



    Welllll I’m compensated in different ways. I just need the ability to take off and tend to my other businesses if need be.

    Part of the compensation is that I free up time for Abe to put in features I want. 😉 The other side is I now know Kleo pretty darn well so I can start selling my support and plugin integration services 😉

    Thank you.

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    That is exactly what I’m looking for! Can I drop you an email to let you know what I need and get a better idea of your fees etc pls?


    Use the contact here:

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    Here’s the quick write up I did on import/export of Kleo settings. At the bottom is a link to an article on doing the same with widgets:

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    Very helpful thank you however I’ve noticed that this method does not bring across all the formatting on IE. The slider text, headings and other text formattings have not been carried though. But they seem to be on Chrome? See here.


    I compared your home page in chrome and IE. They look identical. Try clearing your cache in IE.

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