This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years by mmustafaaslan.

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  • #1019

    I may need to make wider witdh and I tried to change .row .
    But it breaks layout.

    How can I make it wider?
    It should be 1024px to 1200px



    Hi, you can put in quick css box:

    .row { width: 1170px; }
    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thanks πŸ™‚
    I did .row {width: 1170px !important;}. when you put important, it breaks layout. without important, it works great!

    It is possible to make narrower for siderbar part? I think It’s based on bootstrap. Do I have to change “eight columns” to “nine columns” for content layout and “four columns” to “three layout” for sidebar?
    or just customize CSS?

    1 more thing,

    my menus are more than 10. so they are not on 1 line. it’s 2 lines. therefore, is it possible to make like this?

    LOGO……………………………………………… LOGIN PART
    ………………….. MENUS……………………………………………

    I know css. but not so familiar with bootstrap.

    Thanks for your support!


    I have tried to modify “content-page.php” to change eight columns to nine columns. but I can’t find classes.
    which files I need to modify for content and sidebar columns?


    HI Pulla,

    1. Yes, it’s possible but you need to change more template files to achieve this. Be careful with these files and always make backup first πŸ™‚

    a). Change “four” to “three” in sidebar.php – around line 15 and
    ../sweetdate/footer.php – around line 37

    b). Change “eight” to “nine” in fallowing:

    ../sweetdate/page-templates/left-sidebar.php – around line 34
    ../sweetdate/page-templates/right-sidebar.php – around line 30
    ../sweetdate/footer.php – around line 44
    ../sweetdate/sidebar.php – around line 15

    ../sweetdate/page-parts/general-before-wrap.php – around line 31
    ../sweetdate/sidebar-woocommerce.php – around line 15
    ../sweetdate/page-parts/buddypress-before-wrap.php – around line 27

    2. To have menu below the logo instead of on right side you need to change “eight columns” to “twelve columns” class in header.php – around line 145.

    3. Sweetdate theme is build on Zurb Foundation framework and not on Bootstrap. You have docs for Foundation here


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Very thinks!!
    I have found and fixed some of them. but you are giving me more information to be completed.

    I have bug reports and suggestion.
    1. current menu should be ON
    searching group is not working. (BP problem? ;))
    3. could you please make rtMedia on BP Album spot? I am using rtMedia and I like the album spot πŸ™‚
    4. Breadcumb : Could you put category? like this.. HOME /COUPLE OF THE MONTH –> HOME / DATE / COUPLE OF THE MONTH.. and Category (DATE) should be linked.



    and what’s the best size for slider? It doesn’t fit easily.


    4 questions again πŸ™‚

    1. on menus I put awesome font icons<i class=”icon-heart”></i>
    it works fine, but all of menus are disappeared on sticky menu.
    how can I fix it? I don’t need to show icons on sticky (if it’s difficult)

    2. on main page, the video is not working when it’s in non-alphabet. please try this shortcode.
    I put “εΊƒε‘Š” instead of commercial. I think #markerPoint gets non-alphabet string which doesn’t get.
    [kleo_button url="register" style="standard" size="large" round="radius" icon="0,before" target="_self"] Free Join us [/kleo_button] [kleo_button_video url=”; style=”alert” size=”large” round=”radius” icon=”film,after”] TV εΊƒε‘Š [/kleo_button_video]

    3. How to make shortcodes work on widgets?
    On sidebar, I added “text” widgets and put button shortcodes. But It doesn’t work.
    How can I make it work?

    [kleo_button url="LINK" style="standard" size="standard" round="radius" icon="user,before" target="_self"] Button Text [/kleo_button]
    [kleo_button url="LINK" style="standard" size="standard" round="radius" icon="user,before" target="_self"] Button Text [/kleo_button]

    4. I have cubepoint and I want to put somewhere on profile page.(
    I really want to make cubepoint looks like “match point” (the cycle part). it should be upper “add friend” or below “private message”
    which page I should add and how I should do? any tips?

    5. small bug : on widget, cycles are not equally cycles. it’s little horizontally longer cycle. (i don’t know if you understand) members widget, groups widget, recently active members.

    Thanks all the time.


    We will check no. 2. thanks
    3. We will do some test.
    4. Change your permalink structure for that in Settings -> Permalinks

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    1. I don’t know what you mean but icon should be

    <i class="icon icon-heart"></i>

    if you want to hide icons on sticky add a css rule:

    .sticky .icon {display:none;}

    Add this to your child theme functions:

    	function kleo_button_video( $atts, $content = null ) {
    			'url' => '#',
    			'style' => 'standard',
    			'size' => 'standard',
    			'round' => '0',
                'icon' => ''
     	    ), $atts));
                if(strpos($url,'?') !== false) {
                   $url .= '&wmode=transparent';
                } else {
                   $url .= '?wmode=transparent';
                $before = '';
                $after = '';
                if (!empty($icon))
                    $icondata = explode(',', $icon);
                    //if position is set
                        if ($icondata[1] == 'before')
                            $before = '<i class="icon-'.$icondata[0].'"></i> ';
                            $after = ' <i class="icon-'.$icondata[0].'"></i>';
                $output ='';
                $vid= esc_attr(trim(preg_replace('/[^(\x20-\x7F)]*/','', $content))).rand(99,999);
                $output .= '<a data-videoid="'.$vid.'" class="play button'.($size != 'standard'?" ".$size:"").($style != 'standard'?" ".$style:"").($round == '0' ?"":" ".$round) .'" href="'.$url.'">' . $before . do_shortcode($content) . $after .'</a>';
                $output .='<!--Video - Hidden by default-->
                <div id="markerPoint-'.$vid.'"></div>
                <div id="'.$vid.'" class="kleo-video">
                  <div class="central">
                    <a href="#" class="videoClose"><i class="icon-off icon-2x"></i></a>
                    <div class="videoLoad flex-video widescreen">
                        <!--YOUTUBE EXAMPLE-->';
                $output .= '<iframe src="'.$url.'"></iframe>';
                 $output .= '</div>
                <!--end video-->';     
               return $output;
    	add_shortcode('kleo_button_video', 'kleo_button_video');

    3. Add this to your functions:

    add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

    4. You can edit members/single/member-header.php to add custom code in the profile header.

    5. I don’t know what you mean πŸ™‚

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thanks πŸ™‚

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