This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years by davellan.

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  • #74965

    Ok, so I am using iMember360 to setup a membership site. On this site, I have video posts that are added that I wish to restrict access only to members.

    The way it is supposed to work is that if you don’t have permission to access the content, you will be shown an excerpt with an explanation and some links to correct it (login, register, upgrade membership, etc.)

    So iMember360 has its own field to setup a excerpt, which works as expected…except that the Video is still on the page. Obviously this is no good, as it defeats the purpose of setting up permissions of anyone can access the videos.

    While I realize this is not a Kleo issue, I would like to know where in the theme files should I look to change this behavior?

    What I want is that when the permissions are not met and a user tries to access a video post, the video is replaced by either: another video (stating that the member needs to upgrade membership), or simply just an error image (as shown in attachment).

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Also, to be clear this only happens with video posts for some reason. All other pages and posts handle the permissions fine.

    Like I stated above, my ideal solution would be to have the video replaced by either another video or image of my choosing, which would direct them to my excerpt. The condition to be met would be if they are logged in and have sufficient permissions to access the content through iMember360 (something I would have to figure out with iMember360).


    Ok, so I found the content-video.php file and modified it in my child theme and got most of what I wanted, but now I am losing some parts.

    I need some clarity on this line of code:

    the_content( __( 'Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'kleo_framework' ) );

    Where would I found this function so I can alter it for my needs?


    Nevermind, I figured this out and got it working like I wanted.

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