This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #101799


    Slowly getting the hang of editing.

    I would like a tutorial on how to place “CIRCLE PINS” over my own image for calling out details about a facility  illustration.

    Also, having just downloaded the KLEO THEME two days ago, I am seeing the following notice regarding the child theme.

    “Your theme (Kleo Child) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. You can see which files are affected from the system status page. If in doubt, check with the author of the theme.”

    Finally, when trying to edit the “Circle Pins” tab on the “Poi & Pins” page, I am seeing the following error notice …

    You are using outdated element, it is deprecated since version 4.6.

    How can I update my assets?

    Thank you.

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    The best way to explain it is for you to see how its done. Import the Pois and Pins demo page (Appearance > Kleo Demo > Specific Page > POIs and Pins.) When you edit the demo page, you’ll see that you add an image, then add pins by specifying the location in top, bottom, left and right percentages.

    Woo was just updated. The kleo devs are working on an update still. It will be available soon.

    The deprecated message can be safely ignored and will be removed in the next update.

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    Thank you sharmstr,

    I have tried Importing the Poi & Pins page twice now and don’t see it appear in the Pages area. Do I need to do something else to access the page?


    Hmmm. Looks like you’ve done the full import at some point. Is it possible that you deleted that page at some point and its sitting in your trash?

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    Yes, sorry – thought I had to re-import. I think I am figuring it out – thank you.

    How can I get my home page top image animation text to stay fixed once revealed? I like the “fade in” animation, but I do not want an “exit” animation. I would like the text to remain visible until the visitor takes action.

    I have tried setting the second animation action to “No-Out-Animation” but it does not work.


    The import doesnt work if the page already exists, even in your trash.

    Turn off looping. Here’s the documentation on Revolution Slider:

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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