This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years by Laura.

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  • #198931

    Buna seara!


    I do not know if it’s a bug due to new updates, or any conflict, or…something with settings that I have failed to detect but users no longer have the option to comment on groups activity.

    you can help me keep my comments in groups again? 🙂

    thank you!!


    Hello, try by deactivating some plugins and testing it its available again, it could be a plugin conflict

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Buna seara, Laura!

    we have disabled all plugins except buddypress but in vain. Probably the problem came with the upgrade to buddypress 3, if you have time you can take a look?

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    Hello, can you share access so i can check it? 🙂

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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    Hello, i do see the comment box, if you mean OLD ones do not work, it might be because of buddypress new version, old activity might be affected by that

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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    the problem is from the new buddypress version, we downgraded to version 2.9 and everything went back to normal.

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    Hello please try something, does it work with buddypress 3.0 but another theme like a WordPress default theme?

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    I tried that, the new buddypress version has a problem. I found discussions on other forums related to this issue, we are waiting for an update for buddypress.

    Multumesc mult, Laura!


    Oh understood 🙂 thanks you for letting me know

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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