This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by giannisff.

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  • #35836

    1. I want my users to create groups only and not forums. is there anyway to achieve this?

    2. is there anyway to add an option to view my users profile so that other friends in their list can see their location? eg john is 29, owns a retail business and lives in jamaica. is there any way to see john’s business location on his profile via maps? *nb* they having the option to add this location.

    3. is there a way to add ads between the breadcrumbs and menu?


    The forus ability came with bbPress and make groups with BuddyPress. So reactivate the bbPress plugin and set the buddypress options for groups (check it on)
    There a lot of plugins to make your job with maps (see one here )
    There is a plugin ( ) that allow to make adds without coding, if you want it.

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