This topic has 16 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by serpentwolf.

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  • #97395

    Concerning page scrolling, after the 3 .1 update none of my  pages would scroll.  In the css I put the following:

    css; page scrolling

    body {
    overflow: auto !important;

    With each page I create I need to put this in the css…..Where can I place this code where it would effect all existing and new pages created?

    I would like to update the Kleo theme, but I fear loosing my site, for the experience I had from the last update when I could not re upload my site from my hard drive.Any assistance or recommendations for a hired hand would be appreciated.


    Hey Tom – Your site is really screwed up. I’m pretty sure its because you’re minifying jquery. Can we disable that? Once we do that, instead of giving you a way to add the scroll css to the site, lets figure out why you need to add it in the first place.

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    Also, you’re not on 3.1. You are on 3.0.9. The version of BP you’re running isnt compatible. You need to update to Kleo 3.1.3. I see that you are afraid to. My suggestion is to disable the A2 optimized plugin, or at least the caching and minify options of that plugin before every upgrade.

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    Yes everything was working fine until the kleo update. Its not just adding the css scroll to pages, i can’t edit the pages it effects in the plugins. I am still working in the child theme and often changes I make take a long tine to take effect. If this A2 optimizes has been creating all of these editing problems than I need to disconnect it. From the beginning I have this problem.

    I have disabled most everything in the sight of A2 optimized and will re save the site to my hard drive update Kleo and see how that does.



    Sharmstr go and take a look around and disable what you think needs to be done you have my permission to do so any changes you let me know. Pehaps we can get this thing up and going.


    As I mentioned earlier, you need to upgrade to 3.1.3. Disable A2 and upgrade Kleo, then go to Appearance > Install plugins and upgrade any plugins listed.

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    Alright I am doing that now, and will update u.


    Installed update w/ following error:
    The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

    Theme install failed.

    Can u email me the update w/the new rev slider 5.1?


    Sounds like you’re trying to install using the full download zip from themeforest. Did you follow the update instructions?

    Kleo 3.1.3 comes with Revslider 5.1.3

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    Done update as u instructed and it installed…


    I disabled A2 and your pages are scrolling. See if you can now edit the things you weren’t able to before.

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    Still no scrolling….any other suggestions?


    Not scrolling in admin mode, u had success? I will log out and come back in.


    No success….perhaps u were viewing the pages I had applied the code into the css. Go to Jobs manager and hit the apply button and see what u get. This is one of the pages inside of the plugin that I cannot edit or read as a visitor to the site. I’ll begin disabling each of the plugins and widgets to see if one of these are the problem, unless u have another idea.


    The issue is caused by the Ultimate Auction Pro plugin. In the future, when things dont work, deactivate all plugins, then activate one at a time to find the conflicting plugin.

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    Also, you had 2 buddypress cover plugins enabled. I disabled Buddypress Cover.

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    Will do, thanks for the assist. Haven’t had time to get back into sight…

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