This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by dintan.

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  • #105819

    Dear support,

    May I know if it is possible to change the PAGE HEADING on pages:

    1. After user register as member, they will be redirected to a page asking them to check email. Refer to my attachment “Activate.png”.
    2. After user click the activation link in their email, it brings them to a confirmation page telling them the account is not active. Refer to my attachment “Activation Complete.png”.

    I found the php files in BuddyPress folder where I can change and style the texts in body content, as you can see in”Activation Complete.png”.

    However, I can’t find the php files to change the HEADINGS in rectangle boxes.

    Need some help here, thank you!! 🙂



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    Technically they are in bp-members-screens.php, but I strongly suggest you dont edit them that way. The correct way to do edit any labels or messages is to use a language file:

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    Hi Sharmstr,

    I have tried to create the files following the instructions but it doesn’t seem to work. Please refer to my attachment for the .po and .mo files I have created.

    Server.jpg – screenshots of files in server
    Code-mo – Changes done in .mo file
    Code-po – Changes done in .po file

    You may try to register and check the labels.

    Thank you very much

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    Use a pluging like Loco Translate. Much easier. I was merely showing the bp docs that explains that you should translate a site in order to change labels and messages.

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    Loco Translate is a great help, though it might be a little tricky at the beginning: some folder issues (Refer to Step 3:

    It works now, finally. Thank you!

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