This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #61017


    I want to change the message for a required Membership Area..

    Normally when I´ve locked a special area there is appearing the text as seen in the attachment “RequiredMembership.JPG”.

    What I want to do is following : When I´ve locked a special Area I want to let the pricing tables appear.

    As you can see in the following post.

    Best regards

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    The normal text, which appears when you need a special membership, is now in this post and I want to appear the pricing tables from Post No1.

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    Hold off until Kleo 3.0. Go Pricing ( will be included which will allow you to build pricing table shortcodes that you’ll be able to enter into WP Admin > Memberships > Advanced Settings > Messages

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