This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by randall.

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  • #40128

    i love the dynamic Kleo and BuddyPress login and register menus.
    ie. if someone is logged in the “login” and “register” menus do not appear.

    however i am using “GravityForms” – “user registration” add-on because i want as simple as possible registration similar to your “sweet date” (which i also own).

    so basically i have “none” in BuddyPress settings for “registration page”.
    for gravity forms registration i select a new page i created – page name and slug is “Join” (not register).
    the word “Join” better suits the community.
    Kleo’s “register” menu does not allow me to choose a page and seems to keep going to register page and hence i cannot get that nice dynamic feature.
    if i create my own link i can get it to disappear and i’d rather NOT install another plugin.
    if i choose the “Join” in BuddyPress settings it over rides Gravity Forms registration and uses the looooooooong BP registration.

    i am out of ideas.
    can you guide me accordingly please ?
    how can i use your nice Kleo dynamic menu to register on my “Join” page and disappear when logged in ?

    your kind assistance in this would be greatly appreciated.
    i hope i have explained myself properly.

    kind regards.


    if that doesnt work, then build two menus and use this

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    ok thank you very much !!!

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