I would like to edit the sign up warning when the user names has spaces.
Here is the warning I need to edit.
( Usernames can contain only letters, numbers, ., -, and @ )
I also like to change the color of the pink button to blue in the sing up popup window.
<div class=”twelve columns”>
<?php if( sq_option(‘terms_page’, ‘#’) != “#”) { ?>
<p><label><input type=”checkbox” class=”tos_register”> <small><?php _e(“I agree with the”, ‘kleo_framework’);?> “><?php _e(“terms and conditions”, ‘kleo_framework’);?></small></label></p>
<?php } ?>
<button type=”submit” id=”signup” name=”submit” class=”radius alert button”><i class=”icon-<?php echo apply_filters(‘kleo_register_button_icon’,’heart’); ?>”></i> <?php _e(“CREATE MY ACCOUNT”, ‘kleo_framework’);?></button>
<?php do_action(‘fb_popup_register_button’); ?>
Can you please tell me where to change it?
Thanks for the help!
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