This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #94127

    Hi, When we receive notifications on the dashboard we dont get anything via email. How do we fix this?


    Couple of things..

    Do you have email notifications turned off in your profile: Your profile > Settings > Email

    It depends on what notifications they are. There a plugins out there that will add a notification to the bp notification table, but dont send emails. Is the notification you’re not receiving via email listed in Your profile > Settings > Email?

    Could be a server smtp issue. If this is the case, installing an SMTP plugin usually fixes it. Here’s one that I use:

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    Yes all notifications are turned on and we dont get anything through.
    The SMTP plugin is installed but that is not working either unfortunately.

    Thanks Nick


    Can you clarify what you mean by “The SMTP plugin is installed but that is not working either.” Are you saying the plugin isnt working or it didnt fix the issue. Thanks.

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    Hello, the plugin works but it did did not fix the issue.
    Many thanks


    Thank you for the clarification.

    1 – Did you send a test email with the plugin? Did you receive it?

    2 – Have you looked for plugin conflicts?

    3 – Do the notification emails get sent when you have the WP 2015 theme enabled?

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    1 – Did you send a test email with the plugin? Did you receive it?
    Yes ive sent it and didnt not receive it.

    2 – Have you looked for plugin conflicts?
    Yes everywhere seems to be fine.

    3 – Do the notification emails get sent when you have the WP 2015 theme enabled?
    What does this mean?


    3 – Enable the WP 2015 Theme and send a test email again.

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