This topic has 15 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by rogeriovaz.

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  • #43624

    You can add the Live BuddyPress notification item to the menu from Appearance – Menus – KLEO section.

    The problem for me is that I dont have that section in my appearance – Menu, I cant add it from the dropdown its not there. It is activated on BuddyPress


    This is what I see in that screen

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    click on screen options and enable it.

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    thats the problem i dont have that on my screen, there is no screen options on top right


    that’s a WP issue, not a kleo one. Have you done a google search for this?

    perhaps there’s a plugin removing it?

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    OK so now I enabled it, I have a Kleo section with login, logout, register, live notifications and my account bubbles. I check off live notifications and there is no way to save this setting.

    “Kleo – Live Notifications
    You can add the Live BuddyPress notification item to the menu from Appearance – Menus – KLEO section. To have this option available you must have BuddyPress installed and Buddypress Notifications module active(from Settings – BuddyPress)”

    I dont have the select menu to edit (kleonavmenu(primary menu). I only have create a new menu in that place.

    Again, why is everything so unclear with KLEO, no direct steps on how to do things from the beginning, it might be a great end product, but documentation is sub par to say the least.


    Kleo documentation assumes you know how to use WordPress. Creating a menu is a standard wordpress process. Type in a name for your menu, then click “create menu”. Once you’ve created a menu, you can start adding links and Kleo items to it. Once they are added, select a location (you’ll see it at the bottom of the menu) then click save.

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    There is a much easier way to write these things up for an end user, without showing confusing pictures to begin with.


    Thank you for the feedback. Have you been able to create the menu now?

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    I will look at it tomorrow, thanks for your help again.


    What I was interested in was enabling those notifications to show up on default wp admin bar, but it does not seem that it is possible. I realize that I can create a new menu and put things on it, but If I create a new menu, then I have to get rid of the admin bar as I cant have 2 bars on top of each other. But let say I create a new menu and get rid of default admin bar all together, how do I deal with my start up page and Login/Register. Do I need to create my own bar with page name/logo and http links to login/register on it? I know that I can use kleo button for log in in the middle of the page, but that is very small, hard to see. How do people generally go about solving this?


    The notifications DO show up on the admin bar. The whole reason there’s a Kleo option to add it to the main menu is so you can get rid of the admin bar 🙂

    So, a bit of history. I originally coded the live notification for my site. The Kleo team ended up adding it to the theme. I got the “live” part idea because of this plugin:

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    Yes the do but they are not “live” i have to refresh the page for new things to show up. They do work properly on new kleo menu however.

    Getting back to my other question, i think this is important for Kleo, how do people set up login/register once they delete original wordpress bar? I think it would make sense to have a ready solution for that out of the box. I like Kleo a lot in terms of its overall offering, but its too much stuff that is thrown into one big thing. Ideally you would have it separated into 3 different offerings which are customized, lets say community, porftolio for pictures and ecommerce, each one having unique download that is only relevant to that type of a site. Everybody setting up a community is going to have to deal with login/register on front page, someone just posting pictures or doing ecommerce probably not, but they are all different, and as is now you either download everything, which is way too much stuff, vs not knowing what exactly to download, or trying to figure out how to set up a feature that should already be there because its relevant to everyone else buying the theme.


    Again, thank you for the suggestions.

    The bp live notification plugin will add live functionality to the admin bar.

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    In my point of view is a mistake doesn’t count all notifications, and count only the kinds of notification. For instance, when I have 4 messages notifications and any other 2 notifications, they count just 2 notifications when in fact should be 6. It’s been said, I would like to alter and replace $count=! empty( $notifications ) ? count( $notifications ) : 0;
    $count = ! empty( $notifications ) ? bp_notifications_get_unread_notification_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) : 0;.
    in the file kleo-child\lib\plugin-buddypress\menu-notifications.php in lines 56 and 102.
    How could I alter the functions kleo_menu_notifications, kleo_setup_notifications_nav, kleo_bp_mobile_notify once that these files is in the core ?How would I write it functions’ child?



    In addtition, in the same file(kleo\lib\plugin-buddypress\menu-notifications.php ) is necessary alter the function kleo_bp_notifications_refresh in line 171 because the ajax update.
    $count = ! empty( $notifications ) ? number_format_i18n( bp_notifications_get_unread_notification_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) ): 0;

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