This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years by mpitka.

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  • #8791


    If I understand right, there’s no option for “extended” search?

    So I decided to use normal search form (not horizontal) to do this. In front page I have only register-form, so it will not pop out anywhere else, right?

    But when using this shortcode, it will make quite a mess for layout.

    How can I change colors and take that gap away from left side? How to remove this members caroussel?


    I think you just need a bit of CSS to specify the width of the form. For my sign up form (I think it’s basically the same as the search form) I used the following CSS to specify the width:

    .form-wrapper {

    Just add it to your styles.css file. You may need to change the 50% to a size that suits you.

    I’ve never tried this but I guess that you could use a different form for extended search (if you want to keep your Sweet Date forms as is). A quick search and I found the following plugin:

    I’ve never used it but I guess that it should work.


    Hi, You have two forms that you can use by default. the vertical which is also in homepage and the horizontal one.

    If you are adding it as a shortcode, add it in a column shortcode not to display on the whole row like this
    [kleo_row] [kleo_one_half] [kleo_search_members before=”” profiles=0] [/kleo_one_half] [/kleo_row]

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Thanks for the reply. BP profile search is very good plugin for this. It makes everything nice and simple. 🙂

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