This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Radu.

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  • #140581

    I’m creating with Extended Profile Fields a multiple field select box (checkbox or radiobuttons). But seems that the text input is limited to 150 characters for each offered selection phrase. When you insert more than 150 characters, the characters as from 151 are not displayed. Is there a way to lift or extend this limitation via a snippet in bp-custom.php?


    Hi Radu,

    I refer to the WPMU DEV link you provided me above.

    I was using these scripts below:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $('#field_100').attr('maxlength', '500');
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $('#field_108').attr('maxlength', '500');

    I looked up the field numbers of the fields that I wished to extend, and then added the scripts to the JavaScript code box under Theme Options > General Settings, but it had no effect.

    Any idea why it does not provide a solution? Can I try something else?


    Is there a chance to help me with a solution?



    I see, if you have the text from the php code less than 500 this will not work,

    Please remove that js codes and try this solution instead :

    Let me know


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thank you Radu.

    Think that the code you provided could be the perfect solution. I was trying to make it work, but I could not. I must change the right field name and/or ID, and I guess I did not patch it right.

    This is the code that was provided:

     if ( is_user_logged_in() && bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) ) :  
            $my_custom_textfield = bp_get_member_profile_data( 'field=Brief Biography&user_id='.bp_get_member_user_id() );  
    And this is my field:

    <dl class=”dl-horizontal field_142 field_sense-of-humor optional-field visibility-public field_type_radio”>

    So, I should change field=Brief Biography&user_id= with the right field name and ID, but I’m stuck.

    Do you know?


    Please help so that I can close this issue. Thank you.

    PS: Seems I cannot create a new ticket anymore. I don’t see the “new topic” button. How can be? I extended the Kleo-support a few days ago,



    Practically you should replace Brief Biography with the name if your field.

    Before continue with the php solutions try to use those instead , follow, read and test this


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    I know that I must replace the Brief Biography field, but how exactly with this code from Firebug `<dl class=”dl-horizontal field_142 field_sense-of-humor optional-field visibility-public field_type_radio”>

    If I click on your link Profile Field Name Length, I get the message “You cannot reply to this topic.” and I don’t see anything (empty page)


    The page Profile Field Name Length is empty for me. The only thing I get is “You cannot reply to this topic.”


    I solved it myself after 5 days.


    Ok then

    have a nice week

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution


    The easiest way to extend the length of an Xprofile field is making changes in the database. BuddyPress has a limitation of 150 characters for the Name-type field. See screen shot.

    You can modify the limitation by changing the database schema. Via phpmyadmin, select the table, go to structure tab, and then click on change link and update the length. For Radio, checkbox and select boxes, the options you set in the new/edit Profile field page are stored as Name (with the actual field set as their parent). So, in fact, the option that you consider value is in fact a Name of the child field and not a value.

    It is not considered a good practice to modify the database schema, but it is the simplest way to change the length of Name field.



    OK , good to know this, i don’t think it’s a bad practice, but if you update wp or buddypress check if the settings will be changed in db


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
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