This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Andrei.

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  • #73645

    Hello, my website is almost finished, but I still have several questions. I would be very grateful, if you help me to solve them :).

    1. Profile drop down menu – I added new item – Group invitation. Is it possible to add a notification bubble similar to message with number of invitations?

    2. I created Facebook like box and I have to copy the Java script to my page. I tried to copy it to my child theme – functions.php file, but it didnt work. Therefore I copied it to sweetdate theme – header.php file. Where should I have pasted it?

    3. I want to put facebook like box to the footer widget 2, but I need to make column of like box a little bit wider. I tried to change setting on facebook page, but it was wrong, because the name of fan page was cut as well as a image. Can you give me an advice, whether columns (1,2,3,4) in footer widget can be resized and how?

    4. I have noticed, that some e-mails from wordpress are still in english. I checked all e-mail from pmpro, but they are translated. I would like to check wordpress e-mails, but I can not find them. Can you navigate me, where can I find them?

    5. How can I allow to registered people reading private messages (not sending them)? From actual setting they can see messages, but when they want to open them, they are redirect to the membership levels page.

    I am sending you some screenshots for better understanding.

    Thank you in advance.

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    Hello, will assign the ticket to a higher support lever who can help and advise you in your query.
    Thanks! 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂



    1. In order to add a count to your custom menu, you will have to create your own count and attach it to the custom menu item that you have added in that position.

    2. It depends of where you would like to have it displayed

    3. Unfortunately there is no option to resize the footer columns.

    4. You should find them in the main translation of wordpress. You can use a translation plugin to change the them.

    5. This will require some custom developments in order to create additional restriction rules.

    Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

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    Hello, Andrei,

    thank you for your replay. I have one more question.

    It is about restriction some levels of membership to use cometchat. I put this code:

    <?php if ( pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(array(2))) { ?>
    <link type=”text/css” href=”/cometchat/cometchatcss.php” rel=”stylesheet” charset=”utf-8″>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”/cometchat/cometchatjs.php” charset=”utf-8″></script>
    <?php } ?>

    to my childtheme – header.php, but it does not work.
    My goal is that only members in level 2 should be able to use cometchat.
    Can I ask you to check where is the problem in code above, please?
    Thank you in advance.



    Your code seems correct, please be sure your user has that level applied, and after give a look into the source of your page and see if the code is present.

    Another thing is that you should provide full url to to css and script files.


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    thanks for your advice. I provided full url to css and script files, but nothing has changed. Members with all levels of membership are able to use chat, not only those, who has level 2….



    According to the script you have shown above, the chat should be initialized just for members with level 2 assigned. Please be sure you didn’t added this libraries of the chat plugin somewhere else.


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    Hello, I created header.php in my childtheme and paste there this code. Is it there a particular place, where in header.php it should be pasted? I tried several options, then cleared cache, but a chat is always accesable for all registered members.



    Probably you also have the code inserted somewhere else, that’s the only thing that might make the chat to appear to users of another level than the one indicated.

    If you need more help with this custom implementation of the chat script I can put you in touch with one of our developers in order to obtain a quote for it.


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Hello, I would like to ask your developer for a price quote for this custom implementation of the chat script.



    Email me at with your requests and I’ll forward them to one of our developers.

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