This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by d_enajetic.

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  • #62336

    Been having this issue for a while but can’t find any info on it and I’ve been unsuccessful fixing it on my own.

    While in edit post/page, if I upload or select a featured image it becomes ridiculously long. It doesn’t affect the image on the front end, but it’s a pain having to scroll down a long way just to reach the tags and other author functions. I’m also having a similar issue with YouTube videos on the front end. Not sure, but it could be related.

    Before you ask, I’ve already verified it’s definitely something within the Kleo theme by deactivating all of my plugins and switching to several other themes. I’ve even deleted and reinstalled your theme. This only happens when Kleo is activated, with & without plugins activated. And yes, I’m currently on version 3 and all related plugins have been updated.

    I’m also attaching images. I zoomed out of the page as much as possible to show you how long the featured image gets.

    Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.


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    Hello, could you share admin credentials?
    What is the original size of the image?

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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    So, I know someone has been to my site, but I haven’t received any response on what they found. In addition to that, now I’m having the stretching issue on the front end. I reversed the couple of changes I made over the weekend but it’s not fixing this issue. I didn’t begin having the front end issue until you visited the site. I also upgraded to the .1 release you sent out over the weekend, so that’s already in place. Please help me out with this. Not being able to use images on the front end sucks!


    An image as proof. For the record, this is a much smaller image than I was using before and it still has the same result.

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    I’m extremely frustrated right now. What was a minor annoyance on the back end has evolved into a major issue on the front end that’s preventing me having a live site. None of which is my fault and the people that agreed to help are nowhere to be found. I know you have a ridiculous amount of people to help, but whatever you did when visiting my site is causing me to lose customers because they can’t see the actual site. I’d appreciate a response and some assistance (at least) taking it back to the state my site was in before you visited.

    For the record, I’ve deactivated all of my plugins, reset, uninstalled and reinstalled your theme. I’ve also downloaded the settings to my site then after the reset, imported those settings only to have this feature not work. So now my site is back to default settings and I have to do all of my customizing again. Even after all of that, my original issue still hasn’t been resolved. All of this is contributing to me not being a happy customer.

    Again, I’d appreciate your assistance with this ASAP. I’m looking at the Customer Satisfaction survey next to this post and I REALLY want to give you a great score.


    I’m still here, I’m still without a solution or a live site and I’m beginning to lose my patience.


    At one point, you had your media size setting to 1038×9999. When those images were uploaded, it save them at that size. This is not Kleos doing. All Kleo is doing is bringing back the images. It doesnt care what size they are.

    Anyhow, I check your media size settings in wp admin and they are back to 1024×1024. After that I reuploaded the feature image for podcast 89 and its displaying correctly now.

    You can use this plugin to fix all your previously uploaded images:

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    That’s odd. I never saw or changed the initial media settings. When I checked those last night they were set slightly higher than default, that’s when I changed them to 1024. My question is, if you saw that was the issue on Friday/Saturday, why am I just now hearing about it? … I don’t expect a response, so don’t sweat it.

    I did regenerate the thumbnails for the third time this week and now everything works. So, Thank You.


    if you saw that was the issue on Friday/Saturday, why am I just now hearing about it?

    I only just looked at it today.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    There’s a major issue here. Two days after having this resolved, it went back to being stretched. Didn’t install anything. Didn’t do any updates. Didn’t make any changes to the site. It reverted on it’s own. The media settings are the same. I’ve regenerated my thumbnails a few times and nothing has changed. I just said screw it and turned that feature off.

    Wanted to come back to the forum and inform you of this. Maybe there’s something that needs to be looked at for future updates.

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