This topic has 19 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #100497

    Notifications for reviews are not working with geodirectory+KLEO.

    Options in GeoDirectory Nagivation Locations isn’t working with KLEO

    Options in GeoDirection Navigations Settting isnt working with KLEO.

    Options in GeoDirectory Post Type Navigations Settings isn’t working with KLEO.


    thank you


    If you switch the the 2015 Theme, do they work?

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    hmm… Just to be clear, I’m talking about KLEO live notifications, if someone sends a friend request or private message then you as a member would receive a notification. yea, you know this, right.. ๐Ÿ™‚ So if I switch to any other theme, then KLEO notifications of course aren’t available anymore. KLEO notifications only work with KLEO theme on!

    anyway, if someone sends a review on listing or comments on blog post or sends enquiry on listing, then you do not get any live notifications. Maybe there’s no such function?

    Just to be 100% clear, you’ll find these notifications if you go to Menus, then click on KLEO and there you’ll find “Live Notifications” which you can add to whatever menu you like.

    Regarding these:
    – Options in GeoDirectory Nagivation Locations isnโ€™t working with KLEO
    – Options in GeoDirection Navigations Settting isnt working with KLEO.
    – Options in GeoDirectory Post Type Navigations Settings isnโ€™t working with KLEO.

    yes it works with 2015 Theme, but not with KLEO.


    Kleo doesnt do anything special with live notifications except on the display side. Which means that if geo doesnt register a notification, then Kleo has no way of showing it.

    Need access to see what’s going on.

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    KLEO theme recommends to have GeoDirectory installed. And both GeoDirectory and KLEO theme are integrated with Buddypress. And KLEO has a live notification system which sends notifications like new friends, private messages etc. That’s why I thought that notifications from GeoDirectory too were sent to KLEO live notifications, for example like if one member writes a review on another members listing or if a members sends an enquiry on another members listing. or if a member bookmarks another members listing.

    I guess I’ll just hire someone to add these functions to KLEO live notifications.

    thanks anyway!


    Kleo live notification merely reads the notifications in the buddypress notification table. It doesnt actually create notifications. The “live” part merely means that it will read the notification table and look for newly added notifications without having to refresh the page. So, if geo directory adds notifications to the notification table for the things you’ve listed, then Kleo will show them.

    Does a notification show up in /members/membername/notifications for reviews? If not, then there is no way Kleo live notification will ever report it.

    Again, I need access to your wp admin to see what’s going on with the geo settings.

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    Can you explain exactly what you mean by

    โ€“ Options in GeoDirectory Nagivation Locations isnโ€™t working with KLEO
    โ€“ Options in GeoDirection Navigations Settting isnt working with KLEO.
    โ€“ Options in GeoDirectory Post Type Navigations Settings isnโ€™t working with KLEO.

    I was able to change the options.

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    Those options show/hide navigation links in the primary menu. When the options are set to display the links they aren’t shown together with KLEO theme, but they are shown with Theme 2015.


    you can read the issues with KLEO in GeoDirectory documentation here:


    I use GeoDirectory Events and Buddypress integration addons
    If I create a new event, it appear in activity stream.
    If someone review a place or an event… nothing in activity stream.
    An idea ?
    Thank you

    Moderator – Those are fixed in Kleo 4.0 which will be available soon.

    – I dont have buddypress or event addons so I cant test it. Will need access to your site to do some testing.

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    Do you know when it will be released?


    I dont have an exact date. Soon though.

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    robert198222 said “Notifications for reviews are not working with geodirectory+KLEO”
    and I want to explain I have the same issue despite BuddyPress addon.
    I am waiting Kleo 4.0 to see if notifications for reviews will work for Geodirectory with KLEO.


    I dont see anywhere in their documentation that they add notifications. I only see that it adds an activity. Just because something is added to the activity stream, doenst mean that a notification is also added. This isnt a Kleo specific issue. Plugins must register/save a notification to the notification table. I asked robert, but he never responded

    “Does a notification show up in /members/membername/notifications for reviews? If not, then there is no way Kleo live notification will ever report it.”

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    Excuse my poor english…
    I dont’t want notifications, I want user activity updated.

    See 1 :

    See 2 :

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    @egabillat – I wasn’t 100% clear in my title, it should’ve said “Live Notifications”. But it showed that it wasn’t any bug, the function I thought existed did not ๐Ÿ™‚

    – activity is working, but that’s more Buddypress+Geodirectory questions than KLEO I think. I think it does save/register notification for reviews in database. But, anyway, this is not relevant to KLEO either I think. But when I go to my buddypressprofile I can see how many reviews I have on my listings so if this is what you mean then yes, it saves a notification in the notification table for reviews at least. For enquirys there’s no notifications at all in the database. For Bookmarks/Favorites there is.

    Thanks a lot, you’ve been helpful to clarify what is what and how things work ๐Ÿ™‚


    I specifically mean /members/username/notifications. That is whats inside your *buddypress* notification table. If geo doesnt list it in there, then its not adding anything to the *buddypress* notification table and therefore will not show up in the live notification list.

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    Oh! And you’re welcome ๐Ÿ˜‰

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