This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years by verloren.

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  • #107230

    Hi all,

    is it possible to grant access to dashboard for specific roles and or specific users? I have several “country manager” which all need access to dashboard. More detailed, they need access to wpml string translation for translating the website into several languages.

    At the moment only admins can login to dashboard/backend. I couldn’t find any settings or rules for this behavior.

    Hope you can help me.


    Best regards!



    Hi all,

    found it.

    In /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/class-wc-admin.php is function “prevent_admin_access”. Here the docblock:

      * Prevent any user who cannot 'edit_posts' (subscribers, customers etc) from accessing admin.

    Within class-wc-admin.php constructor, the action is added:

    public function __construct() {
      add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'prevent_admin_access' ) );

    So from here it’s easy to remove the action and add an own action.

    Best regards.


    Instead of removing the action, it’s better to add a filter which hooks into “prevent_admin_access”.
    Here an example:

    add_filter(‘woocommerce_prevent_admin_access’, ‘preventAdminAccess’);

    function preventAdminAccess() {
    $prevent = false;

    if (userShouldNotSeeDashboard()) {
    $prevent = true;

    return $prevent;

    Best regards.


    Instead of removing the action, it’s better to add a filter which hooks into “prevent_admin_access”.
    Here an example:

    add_filter(‘woocommerce_prevent_admin_access’, ‘preventAdminAccess’);
    function preventAdminAccess() {
    $prevent = false;
    if (userShouldNotSeeDashboard()) {
    $prevent = true;
    return $prevent;

    Best regards.

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