This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by mcoombes.

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  • #64251

    I want to edit the Grid Element from the Agency Page.

    On my site when I place the grid element I do get what I see on the Agency Page.

    My problem is editing it (change text and picture).

    I have spent 3 days now and still do not see how you change text and pictures.

    I am new to WordPress.

    Sorry if this question sounds a bit basic, but any advice would be nice.

    Thank you


    There are a few different grid type elements on the agency page. There’s a featured items grid and a post grid. There’s also a post carousel that one might call a grid. Tell me which one and I’ll try to help.

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    Post Grid

    The one that is under the post carousel (with 4 items that appear)

    When I try to edit all I can see is row changes, column changes.

    I can not see where to edit the pictures and text.

    Thank you in advance


    They come from the posts themselves. Wp Admin > Posts

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    If I go into Wp Admin – Posts: all I see is “No Posts Found”

    What should I do now ?


    Can I see a link to your page?

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    The page is:

    But something else is strange – for some reason it has vanished (it was there two hours ago) but in the Admin Panel I can still see the Kleo Posts.

    Do you want to access the admin section ?


    Kleo posts is a shortcode that shows posts. If you dont have any posts, then it wont show anything. Add a test post and it will show up on the page.

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    Ok … I did actually delete that post page earlier … so that would explain why it vanished.

    So now on the page I have two twst post signs. I will delete one now.

    Are you saying that to edit this I must do it via Post Page.

    Please do not close this thread because I feel I have more questions to come.

    How do I get back the orginal 4 boxes (the ones I deleted).


    It shows posts by default. Create posts and they will show up.

    However, you can change the shortcode to display pages or other items by click on build query in the shortcode settings.

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    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    I have made the changes and changed it to Pages, but now it looks a mess.

    Can we approach this a different direction:

    What I am trying to do is have four images in a row with heading and text below that will all link to other pages.
    I want to introduce some simple animation to the images as they appear (like the one in the agency demo page).

    Is there also a way to get the orginal agency demo one back onto the site.


    None of the Kleo shortcodes will do that. I think you can do that will the vc grid shortcodes:

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    Sorry, forgot to answer your second question. Delete the home page that was created by the agency demo and make sure you delete it from your trash as well. Then reimport it.

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    Ok … thanks

    Just one quick thing .. but no rush as I am stop working for now.

    When I import that agency demo page back … is there a way to stop it taking over the website.

    What I mean by that is last time it became the front page and I had to go back into menus and redo the front page.

    Otherwise the theme is fine.


    Sorry one more thing …. I am used to working with HTML directly and all my other websites are in HTML5 … in WordPress can you edit the HTML somehow … or does that conflict with the theme?

    Thank you for your help.


    After you import, go to WP Admin > Settings > Reading and choose whatever home page you want.

    It depends on what you’re talking about. You should read the wordpress documentation. But if you are on a post or page, you dont have to use VC. You can use the standard WP editor.

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    Hi you can close this topic.

    I managed to do what I wante in a very strange way.

    I opened on a new page a template that had three images on it in a row. Then I deleted all the extra items and edited the photos and text how I wanted it. Then I saved it as a template and inserted it into the home page.

    I thought WordPress was meant to be easy 🙂

    Please close this thread – but I know I am going to struggle when I try to sort out the membership section …. so I will be back !

    Thank you for your help.

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