This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #41714


    Can you please tell me how to turn “off” the sidebar along with the navigation hamburger when I enter the blog section of my site, I see no option to turn it off and on like the search, or maybe I’m missing something? Please let me know how I can accomplish this. Thank you, having two sidebars isn’t to desirable.


    Use this plugin to remove the icon that triggers the side bar when you are on a blog page

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    @sharmstr is there shortcode to put the hamburger in the menu via a ##hamburger## type method? if that were the case I could turn it off and on, is that possible? Thanks


    Oh right. I forgot that its not a option in appearance – menus. Shoot. There’s no shortcode, but there is another trigger. Try this.

    wp admin – theme options – side menu – add toggle button on your menu: off
    you’ll see a note there about the ability to add a toggle to the menu by putting in the Title Attribute input: class=open-sidebar

    wp admin – apperances – menus – links
    url = #
    link text / nav label = (space)
    title attribute = class=open-sidebar
    icon = menu

    now you should be able to control it with that plugin. keep in mind that you should always make sure there is a space in the nav label before saving the menu.

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    Also, looks like WP 4.2 wont delete menu items with a blank label when saving.

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    @sharmstr Ok, everything installed and linked up, now how do I hide the hamburger navigation when on the blog page? where is the setting to do so? Thanks


    ! is_home() && is_front_page() do not work? Please let me know what you are suggesting. Thanks.


    You only need ! is_home()


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    Did you finally get this working?

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