This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years by clarksvilleoutloud.

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  • #65169

    With Kleo being one of the top social themes for wordpres( Google any query about social themes )

    Adding hammer.js for a seemless social experience would be exponentially beneficial to the site and would set itself leaps and bounds ahead of the like competition.

    An ideal uses in Kleo would be gesture functions for navigation, sharing, and liking. Kleo, already a prime example of a user-focused social environment, would extend it’s ease of use and community even further.

    Content is king and weather or not it’s a beautifully written and moving article, an unforgettable video, or the worst sound you’ve ever heard, we want more, and we want it easy. Using hammer.js to include gesture navigation, users can easily SWIPE left or right to the next. This can insure more views and immerse traveling of the site.

    We’re all critics whether we all have what it takes to write an in depth constructive review is a different story: Enter Kleo’s like feature. I like it, I don’t like; one click or lack there of will suffice, BUT, with hammer.js gesture functionality to simply swipe up or down firing a like can keep the content in focus and the user on a roll.

    Lastly, sharing is one of the most powerful tools for a site’s popularity. Sure we can simply click the link to share or install a plugin that enables a sticky social bar,but with hammer.js functionality to handle a lomg-press, double-tap, or any of the latter will continue to boast user friendliness and ease of use.

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