This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years by Abe.

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  • #8996

    Good Day!

    I am trying to display all posts to a particular category on one page, or all posts for the entire site on one page. I don’t want to do it in a posts carousel either.

    I am accustomed to having a page template like BLOG, where I can select that as the page’s template, and posts will display accordingly based on their category. But in this case, I’m not seeing such a page template in Sweetdate.

    Can you provide some assistance?


    why not just simply adding “/category/xxxx” to your menu?


    Can you be more clear about your suggestion? Which menu are you talking about? I certainly don’t want “Categories” to be an option on my main menu.


    Hello, You can set which page shows all of your posts from Settings – Reading and select your Posts page, Blog for example. After that, the Blog page will display all of you posts.

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