This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Catalin.

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  • #30404

    Hi all
    I have small issue that I want to modify the first issue is in the footer , I want to add few links in the footer near to the power by WordPress link, if can somebody point me to the php file locition and my secound issue is on the group page I need to modify the CSS file as every group the created not have the same size if the group hedear is 1 row it’s get 1 box layout and if it’s 2 row header the height of the box layout is diffreant, the last issue I have is in the footer widget , I add the blog post to the widget but when scroll down to the footer I see the last 5 blog post but they are not align nicely the first 3 row in each blog is 1 under 1 and the last 2 row is start more from the left and need to push them to the right , I use sweetdate theme and I newbi so please point me to the file with location
    Thanks for any help


    please send me a link to your website… and I will provide you solutions for all your requests.

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    for adding links in footer, please take a look here:

    for the css modifications in groups page, you need custom development skills to achieve that… every group should have the ability to be selected and styled using a unique id

    you have only 3 elements in the footer widget and they look fine… not able to replicate this

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    Hi tanks for your fast replay
    In the footer widget I means that the blog line in the end are start from the left and not under like the first line I attach you image , take for exemple the first blog the 5 row that start with “stable?” Need to be under the 4 row “relationship”
    And about the group is not have some place I can read about this styles ?

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    I see what you mean now, please add this in your style.css file from your child theme:

    div.footer_location .latest-blog .avatar
      margin-bottom: 60px;

    let me know if this works.

    regarding the modifications, you need basic understanding of how CSS works and how you can select elements in layout pages.

    Thank you,

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    hi catalin sorry for late replay the code you give me for fix the blog in the footer was worked perfect but the code to add links in the footer was not work at all and show me error massage on the hedear i was follow the link you give me :
    and add the code in sweetdate-child — function
    function kleo_copyright_text()
    echo ‘<p>’. __(“Copyright”, ‘kleo_framework’).’ © ‘.date(“Y”).’ ‘. get_bloginfo(‘name’).’. <br class=”hide-for-large show-for-small”/>’. get_bloginfo( ‘description’ ).'</p>’;

    i attached you 2 files the first file is how its look on the website after i add this code
    and secound is the photo of the function page in the admin area

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    hi catalin other issue that happend to me just now and its seams to happend after i add the code for the footer and take it back out
    for exemple if i want to open new group and i arrive to the group and add new button, when i press the add new button i just reacive an white page without nothing , i try to edit the group becouse i was see thet the forum dont show me nothing and when i press forum its just link to the group and not to the forum but now i see only white page and before i even cannot login to the admin page to see where is the problem


    hi catalin
    sorry to bug you too much i just update you , the problem with the white page was happend becouse the first code you give me with the footer links near to the copyright , something was mass the child theme and evey time i was get white page, i was delete the child theme and install it again and now its work fine i chack the group issue and also its work fine , but i still left with the problem about the footer links that i didnt add them as the link you provide me not work for my theme.
    is it have other way that i can add this links to the footer near to the copyright ? or i need to give you my little baby face and let you login to the admin to change it for me 😉

    (by the way i am sorry if my website conntent let you feel uncumftable, but you know we all bussnise pepole and do everything for the money )

    and again many thanks for you help




    sign has to be the last in your functions.php file… the function I gave should work.

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    hi catalin
    i sorry to dispoint you but this code are not work i attach you 3 photos 1 of the code and more 2 of each link i want to put and where i want to put them
    the links i want to put near to the copyright area from the right side to the copy right so its will look like that

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    hi again i make the file with photo shop that you understend better what i want to do

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    send me admin credentials to your website to take a look… reply as private for security reasons. 10x

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    i added this in functions.php file:

    function kleo_copyright_text()
      echo '<p>'. __("Copyright", 'kleo_framework').' © '.date("Y").' '. get_bloginfo('name').'. <br class="hide-for-large show-for-small"/>'. get_bloginfo( 'description' ).'   <a href="#">link1</a>   <a href="#">link2</a>   <a href="#">link3</a>   <a href="#">link4</a></p>';        

    you will need to alter the code to make it functional, so that means you need some basic development skills…

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