This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Kieran_SQ.

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  • #166713

    hi. i where add a login and signin button in header but that still show even after user already login, ,

    how i want it

    i want to show login and signin button for visitors, and those button must disappear once user are logedin  already,  and it must replaced by logoff or signoff button,

    please can you guid me?


    Hi @taahir.ejaz,

    To get the dynamic login, logout and register options in your menu please follow these steps.

    1. Go to Appearance > Menus
    2. Select your desired menu
    3. In the very top right of the page click “Screen Options” and make sure the “KLEO” option is checked
    4. On the left hand side of the main window you will now see KLEO, open up the item and you’ll see login, logout and register. Add one, some or all to your menu.
    5. (Optional) select the newly added items in the menu and select an icon for each
    6. Save, check your website, you should now see a logout menu item. Logout to see the login and register menu items.



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    That is what exactly i did , all the boxes and checked , include kleo,i add login and signup in menu , and i still see even im logedin ,


    hi sorry, i fix it ,
    but now i want to have a homepage only contain a registration form with a comunity picture in background, and once user logedin now user automatically redirect to user profile,
    its possible ?
    if yes then how ?


    Hi @taahir.ejaz,

    The steps to create what you ask for are as follows.

    1. Pages > Add New
    2. Click “Backend Editor” which is above the main content area
    3. Click “Add element” in the new visual editor below
    4. Type in KLEO Register in the search box (top right) of the modal window that just opened
    5. Select the KLEO Register element and set any of the five options you’re presented with (if required)
    6. Save changes, this will take us back to the editor
    7. You’ll see that the KLEO Register element was automatically added to a new row, on the row click the pencil icon.
    8. In the modal window that opened select the “Text & Background” tab at the top
    9. At the bottom select background style, then image.
    10. Select a color (this is used before the image is loaded or if for some reason the image fails to load), select an image, select position (this is automatically set to fill the row)
    11. Press save to save the changes and close the modal, then either save the page as a draft, publish it or preview it.

    I have posted below the shortcode that this generates, you’ll have to configure the color/image yourself using step 7 – 10. You can paste it into the post editor (text tab) and then click “Backend Editor” to see it visualised.

    [vc_row type="image" bg_color="#515151" bg_image="19"][vc_column][kleo_register][/vc_column][/vc_row]

    To redirect users upon login please go to Theme Options > Miscellaneous > Homepage Redirect and select profile. If you need to do more complicated redirects than this please install Peter’s Login Redirect which can be found here

    Hope this helps,



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    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Thanks for instructions
    I made a page with kleo register element, but how to redirect user to other page once user are logedin? How do i setup that page , because i want to set this page as homepage for loged out users , and then thier must be a other page which is home page for logedin users , so question is that how to set deferent homepages for logedin and logedout users ?

    Sorry for lot of questions


    If you need two different home pages based on logged in or logged out you’ll need to do some custom coding. A good place to start is here

    This would take some time to complete and is outside the realms of theme support. If you’re unable to piece something together from the that post or through googling “WordPress different home page for logged in and logged out” then you should contact a developer to explore this further.

    I hope you understand,



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