This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years by IamJAX.

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  • #5300

    How do you hide the menu on the homepage i tried

    body.homepage #navigation-top {
    display: none !important;

    but i doesnt work any suggestions


    .top-bar ul.left {
    display: none;

    if you want to just hide it on the homepage and not the other pages, i suppose you can give it it’s own div class and use display: none for that one.


    @gideon1210 please stop creating two topics with the same question at the same time.

    check the body classes since it should already be a specific class for homepage and use @adam code

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    Hi adam i used the code on the quick css
    when i use

    .top-bar ul.left {
    display: none;

    it removes it completely and if i change

    display: none home;

    it leaves it on every page is there any solution


    i solved a similar problem to this by creating a separate header.php file, which I named header2.php. I load header2.php on the homepage and every other page uses the original header.php. you can probably just remove the menu from header2.php so it doesn’t show on your homepage. i think that should work at least 🙂


    I tried what you suggested and created a header2 and removed the menu code, but when i change it on the front-page.php from get_header();?> to get_header2();?> it doesnt recognize the string


    You should have header-2.php and the function get_header(‘2’);

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    I use plugin to manage menu items for logged in and logged out users. Also there is a plagin with similar functionality and easier to use in codecanyon.

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