This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years by JohnDoe.

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  • #6226

    Hi, how do I hide the homepage button that says register?

    The code is this one:

    [kleo_button url="register" style="standard" size="large" round="radius" icon="0,before" target="_self"] Join us for FREE [/kleo_button]

    how to hide this when users are logged in?



    You have a shortcode in the Misc section of the visual shortcodes button:
    [kleo_only_members]Content to show for members only[/kleo_only_members]

    Put the button inside the shortcode, like the example above

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thanks for you reply but that’s not what I needed.

    I do not want some content to be displayed when logged in:

    THE REGISTRATION button for example does not work if one is logged in and therefore it makes no sense to display it when someone is logged in.

    How do I hide it when loggend in?




    [kleo_button url="register" style="standard" size="large" round="radius" icon="0,before" target="_self"] Join us for FREE [/kleo_button]


    This will show the button only to people who are not logged in.
    I think the admin made a mistake :p


    Hi, thanks. That’s what I needed!

    Problem solved.

    Thank you again


    In the folder u downloaded when u bought the theme, there’s a documentation folder.

    You should check it out, it has alot of nice information.

    All the default sweetdate shortcodes etc.


    Yes I always have that opened. I just missed that part. So sorry!
    Did not want to waste your time!
    Have a great weekend.


    You too, and it’s no problem.

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