This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years by Dhyana.

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  • #24812

    Somehow, even though these pages REQUIRE MEMBERSHIP (all membership levels are checked), I can still see them when I am not logged into the site, by just typing the url out, like so: and and

    How do I hide them from the general public?

    I don’t want to have any membership information public, especially my members, my membership options, or any other membership related page, or even my menu ( I did find the previous post about hiding the menu, so this is taken care of).

    Please help.



    Sorry, BRAIN FART!
    I figured out what the problem was. All fixed.

    And for other people that do what I just did, here’s the fix:
    Go to :
    DAshboard/Sweetdate/Memberships/ into Membership Settings, and make sure that you RESTRICT MEMBERS DIRECTORY, and all the other GROUPS, and PAGES (related to membership) that you want to hid behind the membership levels.

    Check the screenshot if you’re not clear about where to change that.

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