This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by jazzbuzz.

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  • #79906

    It would be great if there was a way to hide the backend i.e admin bar on top as well as menu bar on left hand side, based on which type of user logs in.

    This will allow us to control the interaction with the website, and also improve security.

    Right now a “subscriber” can visit the backend to update his/her profile, and is presented with a very “boring” design which contrasts the beautiful design the theme/site.


    There are solutions out there

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    Thanks, but somehow these plugins conflict with Kleo. It did it for both “Adminize” and “WP No Show”, both very popular plugins for this feature.

    When a non-logged in user visits /wp-admin it throws this error. You can see it here:

    I figured including it natively in the theme, similar to “maintenance mode” feature would be a great benefit.

    Also, just recently my Host Provider (DreamPress) advised me to keep the plugins to a low number citing adding plugins degrades performance.


    I use adminize on 2 of my kleo sites without issue.

    Anyhow, looks like this is more of a feature request instead of asking for assistance. I’ll move it to the feature request forum for consideration.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact



    Thanks. It used to work fine till the last update. Out of curiosity, can you go to /wp-admin on your website while not logged in. Can you please let me know if you see the error or not, since I may need to investigate further on my end.

    Regarding, feature request, thanks for moving it. Yes, that’s what I had intended and thought I posted it in that category but guess not.



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