This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Radu.

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  • #42831

    How do I update to the latest version?


    Read this :

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    I’m attempting to update Sweet Date and it doesn’t have the “Theme Update” option


    Here are the instructions

    Updating the SweetDate Theme

    CAUTION: If you have made any changes to theme files, updating the theme will overwrite your modified files and you will loose any customizations. For safe updates please enable the Child theme and do any customizations there.

    To easily update the theme using Envato update plugin you must go to WP-admin -> Sweetdate -> Miscellaneous and enter your Envato username and API Key. After you have saved the settings you will receive update automatically.
    If you wish to upgrade via FTP, you can do the following:

    Open your FTP client and connect to your server.
    Locate the theme in the themes directory e.g. ‘/wp-content/themes/sweetdate‘
    Make a backup if needed by downloading the current version of the Theme to your computer.
    Upload the new Sweetdate folder to the exact same directory, overwriting the existing files.
    When completed the new version will be active.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
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