September 6, 2018 at 07:29 #208651
ParticipantI followed the instructions on how to:
How to add Profile Fields under Member Name at Members Directory
But it doesnt show the ages on it. I installed the plugin: BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types Also how to I make the font darker.
You must be logged in to view attached files.September 6, 2018 at 18:02 #208727Radu
ModeratorJust follow this : https://archived.seventhqueen.com/sweetdate/article/add-profile-information-member-name-members-directory and make sure to had the next option checked
Wp-admin > Theme options -> buddypress
RHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSeptember 6, 2018 at 20:21 #208754PcMaxx
ParticipantIf I do this, then the age doesn’t display correctly for multiple birthdays. I’m using BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types as I mentioned before. Enabling Age in Buddypress doesn’t format the age correctly, but displays the actual birthdate instead.
September 7, 2018 at 17:08 #208823Radu
IT seems that our theme not supporting multiple datefields to be converted, so i saw that you are aloready run a plugin that converts that to ages.
I had leave those options on and beside that to can be able to change the field placeholder on different view like register/profile/editiing profule i had installed this plugin : https://ro.wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-xprofile-fields-for-buddypress/
That was allowing me to change your placeholders to be named Birthday on register like default field name and on profile to be named Ages.
Hope all good now, you should not use anymore the option from our theme to convert bday to ages since you do it through this plugins.
RHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSeptember 7, 2018 at 17:17 #208826PcMaxx
ParticipantIt doesnt show the ages here in the Members Directory. This is also an issue.
You must be logged in to view attached files.September 7, 2018 at 18:38 #208856Radu
ModeratorI will look for a solution
Will let you know
RHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSeptember 10, 2018 at 15:17 #209174Radu
CAn you please provide FTP ?
RHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSeptember 11, 2018 at 15:01 #209288Radu
Investigating right now, we will get back to you
RHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSeptember 11, 2018 at 16:13 #209300Radu
ModeratorFixed, there it’s a issue with the date format on your server not sure exactly what’s the fix for the server i can guess… but that isn’t a solution.
I had added the next snippet to your child theme and it pulls and convert the field His Birthday.
COPY CODEfunction sqr_fix_show_ages_on_members_directory() { $birthdayfield = bp_get_member_profile_data('field=His Birthday'); //$birthdayfield = bp_get_member_profile_data('field=Her Birthday'); if ($birthdayfield) { if(!empty($birthdayfield)) { $diff = time() - strtotime($birthdayfield); $age_to_age = floor($diff / (365 * 60 * 60 * 24)); return $age_to_age; } } } add_filter('kleo_bp_meta_after_age','sqr_fix_show_ages_on_members_directory');
That’s it, you need to keep all time those options on like this
RHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSeptember 11, 2018 at 16:55 #209306Radu
The problem was resolved from core, so the snippet in child it’s no more needed,i had commented it.
RHi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSeptember 21, 2018 at 17:40 #210093PcMaxx
ParticipantThis doesn’t seem to be working on my end. Can you double check this?
You must be logged in to view attached files.September 24, 2018 at 16:21 #210283Radu
At that moment was working now not sure what you had changed. If you had changed settings and things there not sure what to advise you what to do.
MAke sure to have the field type birthdate
So what i said fixed there was working and checked 25 times since i was using your website live.
IF you had maken any backup or not leaving the files like how i’ve leaved it may be a cause.
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionSeptember 24, 2018 at 17:19 #210294PcMaxx
ParticipantNo settings changed. Uploaded the theme update. That’s it. Waiting on a reply from last week asking why it had not changed on my end.
September 24, 2018 at 18:00 #210308Radu
ModeratorVEry wired since i had fixed that live on your website and now you said the same… not ok…
Replace this file : wp-content/themes/sweetdate/custom_buddypress/bp-functions.php
with this content : https://pastebin.com/raw/G7SAfzJv
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