This topic has 17 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #51437

    Hi there,

    probably very obvious, but I’m totally stuck as to how to stop You Tube from automatically loading a random range of videos after my one has stopped playing.

    I’m trying to embed my unlisted you tube video into a page using the VC video element, and have added the url as per wp codex info. All good until the end, when lots of other people’s videos are shown! Ideally what I’d like it to do is for the video to automatically go back to the start once it has finished. But even if it just stopped at the end and didn’t load anyone else’s random videos into my page would be good!

    Attached screenshots of my video and what happens at the end FYI.

    Any ideas much appreciated.

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    Just put this parameter at the end of link

    The link should be like this :


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    Hi Radu,

    Just tested it again and nothing seems to work.

    So using the VC video element we’ve tried various options using the embed link like this (with fake link inserted here):
    <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

    …when you looked at the frontend it only showed text (no video) AND it had somehow changed the text!). It now showed: – but as actual text in the page (no video).

    And tried using the share link like this:

    This worked but then had the same problem as originally, where lots of random videos display after it’s finished.

    Please can you check this out for us again, so it plays in the page and then just stops at the end (none else’s videos after)?

    As our site launches in 2 days I’d really appreciate getting this sorted out asap! Thanks.


    NB: Actually I’ve just noticed i didn’t copy all the actual links we’d tried – all the ones above we’d changed to have the same ending like you suggested, so with the ?rel=0 at the end.
    Sorry for any confusion.


    Example embedded without related videos at end.

    <iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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    Hi Radu,

    nope, it doesn’t work like that for me. I used the exact same code (with link to our unlisted video of course) and it still showed other videos at the end – see attached.

    Any other ideas?

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    Can you provide the embedded code ? I can try if you want

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    I think there is a disconnect between the two of you, so let me jump in

    Radu – She is trying to do it using the Video VC shortcode. That shortcode strips the rel along with other parameters so it will never work for her. I had the same problem with that shortcode when I tried to force the playback quality.

    – You can put it in a text box using the full iframe code like radu has given you. The reason why its not working in your iframe example above is because you’re missing the ?rel=0 in the src section among other things.

    I’m going to respond with the exact code that I have working on my site in a private response next.

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    Hi sharmstr,

    Well, I must be really thick or just not getting this, but i still can’t get it to work! I can see how it’s working on your test site but can’t do it myself. I’ve tried all sorts of combinations in the VC editor and sometimes I get the video just in the backend, with your default VC video in the frontend, and others it just shows the code as text in the frontend – ie. incorrect!

    For my sanity, could you spell it out in step by step instructions as to what code you put where?!

    Sorry for this – just seem to have a block with this!

    Thanks, Jenny


    Okay. First, quit trying to use the Video Shortcode. It will never work. btw is not a Kleo shortcode.

    Anyhow, add a text block. When the text block settings come up, click on the text tab and paste the code. See attached. (I hid the url and video)

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    Thanks – it now works fine! I was confused by the VC code you gave too, as it seemed like I should still be trying to add it in there. All Ok now.

    For future reference, does that mean that the VC video embed doesn’t work as expected? Or it does as long as you don’t mind the rel=0 being stripped out?

    Cheers, J


    For future reference, when someone gives you VC code, you add it using “Classic Mode”, not Visual Composers Backend or Frontend mode.

    It doesnt work. Period. You’ll have to ask them why.

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    Thanks, all good now. I’ll steer clear of the VC video shortcode element from now.


    LOL. Okay.

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    Embed video not showing…..

    Hi What is the actual fix for this, can you give me a more detailed approch.

    Regards Taiger

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    Look at my response above #52553. It was to use the text box instead. But this topic was for using parameters with youtube videos.

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