This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years by Abe.

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  • #11033

    Hi all
    I need some plugins to develop my WP site, so could you please recommend which plugins I should use to achieve these functions below (I have the latest version of WP):
    1-It will be an online casting agency site. Where member film producers will search and book member actors.
    2-There are 2 member types: Producers and Actors. Both members are free members, there wont be any paid members on the site. Actors membership will be authorized my email confirmation. But producers’ authorization will be made manually by admin.
    3-Actors:Web site visitor that decided to be an actor in my site’s portfolio, click sign up button and fill a small form with name, email so after his email confirmation -or signup by Facebook – he comes back on landing page that has long form that consists of age, physical details, skills etc, and upload 6 photos of himself/herself, then when he sends the form he is registered actor member, now he has his profile page with all info about him/her and has 6 photos (1 profile pic the rest his/her other photos). And on the user profile page there are 2 buttons: Add to Favorites and book this user buttons which only producer members can see these 2 buttons.
    4-Producers:Web site user that he is in real life a film producer or production company rep, clicks for sign up button (this button is different that above sign up button in a another page or can be the same sign up button as above then there may be option saying actors click here to sign up and producers click here to sign up). So producer fills a form that has name, company name, email, tel no, address, so when he sends the form, admin receives the warning in admin panel also receives email about this signing, and sees that it is a producer so admin manually makes some phone calls and confirm that he is a real producer so admin manually authorize that producer’s membership to the site as “producer member”. So now producer member can search and view all actor members, view theri full profiles, and view those 2 buttons (fav and book buttons) and when he clicks book button on a user’s profile page a small popup modal window opens with a small form saying: Event name, event date, event hour. So when he fills and sends this form, these data is saved on DB: Producer’s ID, name, event date, name, hour. So admin can see that in event or booking calendar in admin site only, and admin manually informs that particular booked user about this booking.
    5-Non-member public users can do search as well and see actor members’ thumbs on search results, but they cant view their profile pages, so only thumbs they can view and when they click on a thumb a popup windows appears saying you should sign up to view user profiles.
    6-In few months I may make the actor members registration process through payment. Basically to be an actor member they have to pay an annual small fee by Paypal only. So membership plugin should be compatible with Paypal payment gateway. ( I m thinking only 1 payment option which is Paypal, nothing else).

    So please tell and recommend and give advice; which WP plugins I should use to achieve above? Thanx very much to all helpful people in advance.


    Your requests are very detailed and I am not sure if you will find plugins to do exactly what you need.
    I think you can use Gravity forms to make different register forms so you can use for different member types.
    Any other requests I guess you need to develop since as I said they are very domain specific.


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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    Hi Abe
    I should make some changes on the search form box. So which are the files for it?
    (the search box that appears on home page below the site logo).
    Also for the php coding: This gets the date from DB for user name=> bp_displayed_user_name
    But how about the age, what is it for the user’s age? ( bp_displayed_user_..?.



    Hi, File to edit are: sweetdate\page-parts\home-search-form.php and sweetdate\custom_buddypress\kleo-bp-search.php

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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